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Streetifying a racebike HELP

Discussion in 'General' started by whizzif, Apr 20, 2004.

  1. whizzif

    whizzif Well-Known Member

    Ok, so how likely is it that I can get the race Hawk street legal. When I say street legal, I mean, how can I get it so that COPS aren't going to just pull me over if I'm not doing anything wrong?
    Does anyone know the specifics? I know I'm not the only one that rides their bike on the street. If I didn't have to ride street, trust me, I wouldn't but seeing as how I can't afford gas otherwise, I gotta do what I gotta do.

    Any help would be appreciated. Anyone in the Newport News area that knows how to wire up a brake light?
    Free beer.
    Let me know.
  2. r1owner

    r1owner All cars suck!

    Hehe.... I just did this exact thing. :)

    The brake light I made is very rigged, but it works well. I bought a bicycle tail light (LED's) from Sports Authority. Cost 8 bucks.

    I then soldered across the board where the switch made contact so the power could always flow across the terminals.

    Then I bought a cigarette lighter from radio shack (6-7 bucks), then a 12V DC to adjustable DV output (since the taillight takes 3V) converter at Radio Shack (~13 bucks)

    I wired the cig lighter into the taillight harness plug. One of the terminals is hot all the time (when ign on) and the other is hot when the front brake is applied. I plugged the adapter into the cig lighter, and selected 3V out. Cut the end off the adapter and soldered the wires onto the terminals of the bike taillight.

    Two pieces of velcro hold the taillight on.

    BTW, this could be done with a simple voltage regulator that Radio Shack sells, but I suck at wiring shit up, so I had to go this route.
  3. whizzif

    whizzif Well-Known Member

    You're light years (no pun intended) ahead of me. I couldn't do what you just said. I suck at that stuff...
    I'll have to see though...What about the cops...??? Aren't you worried that they are going to pull you over and say, hey this is a racebike (I'm assuming you have number plates). What do you have as far as a headlight?
  4. r1owner

    r1owner All cars suck!

    Man, my headlight is so freaking bright!!!!! Its called the .... SUN!!! Well, that and a yellow number plate. The taillight is the only thing I have on it. I am more worried about the people behind me than in front of me (at least on the street)! ;)
  5. whizzif

    whizzif Well-Known Member

    Have you passed any cops? Have any cops stopped behind you or beside you? Do they give you weird looks?
    I can't get pulled over.

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