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State of the Union Address in one sentence

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Super Dave, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

  2. ridnwb

    ridnwb Perpetually Angry

    That would be way too logical. It's going to be torn down by those who are well-off enough to "not need" government... Must be nice.
  3. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    I'm not well off enough. How are you applying it to me?

    Do you think it should be given "all the power to solve all problems"? Can you give it that power? What power is it chartered to have?
  4. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    How about this?

  5. ridnwb

    ridnwb Perpetually Angry

    Mine is a blanket statement. Of course it won't apply to everyone. Maybe I should put a "most likely" disclaimer in there. The republic we live in, not to be confused with democracy, gives elected officials the power to do what they think is right for us. To stand in the way of that goes against the very system in place. Do I think that's right? Sometimes. That all depends entirely upon what's being done. In the strictest sense, in order for the republic to work, we do indeed need to give them all the power they need to solve all the problems we have that they deem worthy. If we don't like the system, then let's change it. Full disclosure: I vote for changing it as well as the Constitution. Until we do though, those mechanisms are in place and should be allowed to work.
    Again, very easy to say when you don't need government. I'm blessed enough to no longer need them to pay for my insurance, etc. but it wasn't always the case. For that reason, I feel for those that still need government assistance. I'm related to quite a few. If it wasn't for government assistance, I would have been left behind by this exact line of thinking. Being born into poverty isn't a choice, so why limit one's choices to only what they see in the neighborhood? That sounds like a class system to me. If that's the system in place, then let's cut the pretense. Since it isn't, let's stop being incredibly selfish.
  6. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Wow...I'll have to reply to all this later.

    So, you don't think that I have rights? Your claim to something is available to leverage against recognized rights others?

    You believe that government is the only charity and is a legitimate part of republican government?
  7. ridnwb

    ridnwb Perpetually Angry

    Not sure where you got any of that from my post. Please explain.
  8. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    I thought they were there to enact the will of the people......
  9. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    What the hell are you talking about? Being born into poverty isnt a choice, deciding to stay there because its easy and the gov gives you everything is...

    The system is in place to assist those when they need it, not to support 1/2 the population because they are too lazy, dumb, on drugs, etc...
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Funny, I thought they were there to obey the Constitution and protect the rights of the people.
  11. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    So, if the "will of the people" is to cut your legs off because it's Fat Tuesday, you're abdicating individual rights over the rights of the collective group will?

    Or, better yet, you have the ability to abdicate the individual rights of your neighbor to have that done to him against his rational opportunity for his life?
  12. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    I have a friend (one) who has a net worth of $100million. she is no less afraid of the gov than the rest of us. The only difference is she can get on her Lear and fly to Aspen to get her head right whereas I just get to drink another beer.
  13. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Yeah, but you make it count... :up:
  14. ridnwb

    ridnwb Perpetually Angry

    Asked and answered.
    Thank you for the initial question. It actually strengthens what I'm about to type: Some of you have no clue what it's like and therefore will never understand. I don't wish poverty upon anyone but your lack of understanding and compassion is a very large part of the great divide that's growing in this country (IMHO). An explanation would be far too time-consuming and shunned as I'm sure you don't really want to know.
    You're really working your hyperbole skills this morning. If you want to talk about the issues, let's talk about the issues. If you want to throw out crazy hypothetical scenarios, then this is going to get derailed quickly.
  15. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Yeah cuz my feeble mind cant comprehend the difficulty.

    Lemme clue you in, for about 2 years we had to move in with my grandparents because my Mom couldnt afford our house after the divorce. Without help from our church food bank we may not have even been eating for a good period of that time... I know about hardships, and I know what it takes to rise above. No matter how hard it got we barely, if at all (I dont remember) relied on gov assistance. There is always another way.

    For you to belittle everyone because you think YOU had it hard makes your comments even more angering. Everyone has had a rough go at some point... some people fight thru while others allow the gov to take care of them.
  16. ridnwb

    ridnwb Perpetually Angry

    Nobody said that. I wasn't even attempting to insult you. Really, there's no need to be so defensive.
    Glad to hear our backgrounds are so similar. Upsetting to know you look down your nose at those who may not have had a grandmother with space or a church willing to help. What about the illness angle though? Do you also have no compassion for the person that is still living in poverty because every dollar they make working three jobs goes to medications for an incurable and vastly misunderstood disease? Is that person lazy for accepting govt aid?
    Selfishness is selfishness. If I'm belittling someone by calling them out for being selfish, then so be it. Thus far, I've said nothing else to that effect.

    edit: that's 500 beezies!
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  17. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    If you don't mind I'd like to hear more on your thoughts on this remark.

    I can understand the argument of things being tough[er] on say immigrants and black people, it may be a completely legit issue.....moreso in some areas than others.
    However, I also believe that in today's day and age, it isn't the problem it once was.......I've, personally, seen a lot of ppl of different races/cultures 'make it' in today's world, if they can do it, what possible reason can there be for so many other ppl out there?

    I might get laughed at by saying this but hell, that movie with Will Smith, The Pursuit of Happyness, is an excellent example of the power of the human mind, Mr. Gardner is my hero. And that took place back in the day when life was, in fact, tougher for ppl of color.

    FWIW- that kind of situation is one I have always accepted as a legitimate one to receive aid. I dont think too many other ppl feel otherwise. But there is no denying that a LOT of ppl scam or are just too damn lazy, who will be content just sucking on that Gov tit.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2010
  18. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    The system was designed to help people in a time of need. I'm ok with assistance... what I am NOT ok with is supporting people for life. Like I said before, there is always a solution that does not involve the gov.
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    And charity should be a personal choice, not a something you are entitled to. I give and give generously. That is, and should be, my right, not yours.
  20. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    What right over others do you have to enable a government to force the work of others for your selfish use?

    Can you not appeal to others voluntary giving based on your merits?

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