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So let me get this straight

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Phl218, Nov 22, 2018.

  1. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    So she has an opinion, great! I have an opinion about her. She is racist as hell. Why do people of color need to be rescued? That is a fantastic example of racism. People of color need a white savior to rush in and lift them out of their victim status because without whitey, they can't do anything.

    Why is the NFL and NBA almost all black men? So they need to get the balance in check, hire an equal amount of women, whites, hispanics, natives, arabs. Why is there such an imbalance? Why are there so many female nurses? We need to fix that crap immediately. Flight attendants, teachers = shitcan half of them and bring in men. If you're playing this silly game, then play the silly game. In fact, why doesn't she give up her mansion, or part of her wage, or her next gig to some poor soul that is discriminated against. Because she wants to bitch about the other jobs around her. When she walks in the room and doesn't see the racist quota that she wants to see, well dumbass...you are part of that math problem.

    What a sad time to witness. We are now judging people based on skin color and gender instead of abilities and content of character.
  2. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    Consensus or capitulation? (Either in that panel discussion or here in the dungeon or anywhere).

    Again, the message I gleaned from that celebrity diatribe wasn't an effort towards a middle ground.

    It was once again, "agree with me or you're wrong."

    Personally, I think dialogue and discussion are good, as is compromise.

    However, getting beaten down and vilified for holding a differing opinion to the point of capitulation is very simply unAmerican.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
    Phl218 likes this.
  3. crashman

    crashman Grumpy old man

    I am just getting tired of these people trying to kick down doors and push social justice like Jehovahs Witnesses peddling Jesus door to door...
    speeddaddy likes this.
  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    So much for that dream.
  5. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    To an actor, content of character has a different definition from what the Dr was may have been prescribing.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
  6. pawpawrc

    pawpawrc Well-Known Member

    I have a hard time believing anything that comes out of the mouth of someone who is paid to make people believe that they are someone else. 100% virtue signaling
  7. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    I see what you did there.. :)

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