So im on the show parental control today...

Discussion in 'General' started by Trenton735, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. Trenton735

    Trenton735 Well-Known Member

    I guess it already aired in some states...My name is Trenton Harper...look for me on MTV's Parental Control today if you can. Theres some road race content in it! lol...

    MOTOXAZ Well-Known Member

    Cool that you did it But I absolutely hate MTV. I dont want this to come across that im bashing you at all. I think MTV is a lot of whats wrong with kids, teens, and young adults these days.
  3. The_R1_Kid

    The_R1_Kid Well-Known Member

  4. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck


    I just got home from work, I walk in the door and my wife is watching some show about some gay dude who's parents hate his current boyfriend so they're trying to hook him up with a new one. I asked her, "What..... the hell...... are you watching?"

    She says some MTv show called Parental Control.

    I says Ok..... I'ma go check the beeb.

    First post I see is yours.


    So I go back in there and ask her if she's taping this, she says no, but she hasn't changed the channel since she started watching, so she can rewind. I asked her if some dude named Trenton is on the show, and I knew she'd know that, since that's also MY name. :up:

    She said yeah, and, short story long, I just watched the episode.

    My take, bluntly, Zuri ain't your type. Britney (sp?) is/was a good choice for when you're young, but you gotta kick her to the curb when you 'grow up'. I would'a liked to have seen a little more of that tall blonde big girl they interviewed.

    Didn't see anything about roadracing....
  5. six6two

    six6two AWD

    MTV isn't the problem. That's like saying spoons made Rosie Odonell fat. :D
  6. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

  7. Trenton735

    Trenton735 Well-Known Member

    ahahha its all good was a cool experience and i got paid for it at

    haha def not the gay dudes....honestly i never had a gf...brittney was given to me by mtv...and zuri isnt my type either...i just didnt want to be on national television getting bitched by my "girlfriend" then pick her again...not my styleee haha
    zuri was the next best parents didnt get a list of all the girls...they got to choose from 4 that would make "good television"

    and there wasnt? i had so much footage with race bikes in it and they put none in?
  8. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    lets see pics of the girls

    how old were they (and are you)?

    How much did they pay you guys?
  9. Trenton735

    Trenton735 Well-Known Member

    idk where to find pics of the girls at i dont keep in touch with them

    Im 20 my "gf" 18 and my daters were 22 and 23 i think

    i got paid 250 for being on it...and 500 for using the house
  10. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Hell, I figured you were the dad. I forget that there are people under 30 on here!
  11. I haven't watched MTV since it stopped being MTV.
  12. six6two

    six6two AWD

    M=BS these days :D
  13. No doubt.

    MOTOXAZ Well-Known Member

    hahaha i thought u were the dad too. O well hell at least u got paid for it.
  15. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Exactly what does the "M" stand for these days. Sure isn't music anymore.
  16. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process


  17. mountain lion

    mountain lion Well-Known Member

    Moron TV...
  18. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    So was the show completely scripted?
  19. Trenton735

    Trenton735 Well-Known Member

    haha nahh not completely...just sometimes they gave the girls earpieces if they couldnt come up with something interesting to say

    and not the dad haha
    im only 20

    and just saw disappointed they didnt use the roadrace stuff in any way...
  20. tunawest

    tunawest Well-Known Member

    haha I gotta see this shit. I cant find it anything in the episode list of parental control that has the name trenton. anyone got info?

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