That said, if I was smart, I'd have my dough in junior miners. But I like holding shiny things in my hands. Somewhere out there is a company sitting on a mine that's permitted, has supply chain logistics, and is ready to produce, but requires a price of $30/ounce to be viable. Find them, and cash in. If I find it first, I'll PM ya. For a fee.
I dunno, seems like a "slow and steady old man stock" that hasn't been all that steady. They're not going away, but the upside doesn't look great considering the pitfalls.
RIVN back under $10.... it's like that hooker that you KNOW has the clap... but the price is hard to resist!
the market today: "oh noes, did you hear what the Fed said? we should panic" "oh, that's right, we don't give a shit what the Fed says"
Even cocoa? It's going GANGBUSTERS and I'm reading that Cote d'Ivoire is a yuuuuuuge producer. I don't know how to put the hat on the 'o'.
Well, I know the minimum required about that one but it's not like I trade it or anything. My brother was in the business, though. Worked for a long time for a subsidiary of ADM.
From what I'm reading, production is off maybe 40%. The commodity is up 500%. Seems to me, the commodity is overcooked, but if you can get a stake in a producer, their profits are about to soar. I highly dought cocoa production is a very large segment of ADMs annual revs, though.
The producers don't make money. They're all pretty small. They can barely afford chocolate. It's the intermediaries, traders and the companyies that transform the product (e.g. nestle) who get rich.