Question for the lefties

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by blkduc, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    Uggh, dear God tell me you're not reading that book. It's been proven that it's just Bannon telling hyped up BS to keep himself relevant. I'm sure some of it's true, but most of it's just pure crap. I'm surprised you're reading it.

    I wouldn't call myself a strong Trump supporter. As a person, I can't stand him. I wish to God he'd turn off his damn phone. His policies though, they've "mostly" been pretty good. He's been doing exactly what he said he'd do. I know a lot of his base are pissed at some of the immigration deals he's been trying to make. However, he came into the office saying he was a deal maker. He's going to make deals to get what he wants. Anyone that seems to be surprised by that didn't listen to him very well. It's also what makes me shake my head for the left. Trump is willing to negotiate. You get some of what you want, we get some of what we want. The left won't do anything, even if it's what they wanted all along!!! This is why I see the left as falling apart and screwed. The right is and has been reinventing itself. That's why Romney failed so horribly. Obama created Trump and Hillary propelled him to the win. While the left keeps eating itself and getting more and more radical, the right is becoming the more "realist" party. It's not really the republican party, not the party of old anyways. Blue collar workers are what tipped the scales for him, which historically would vote D. Just like the D party isn't what it was, even during the Clinton days. While slick Willy wasn't a stand up guy (part of the left's current hypocrisy), he cut the budget hard. Sure he fudged some numbers and I don't like how he really screwed up the military, but damn if he didn't actually cut a lot of spending. Clinton could NOT get elected in today's climate, running on his old platform.

    Anyhow, off my soap box. :)
    GRH, StaccatoFan and blkduc like this.
  2. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Anyone check if he joined ADV yet??? LOL
    pickled egg and rd400racer like this.
  3. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Don't make decisions until, or unless, you read what the man has to say. After reading it I now understand why the Trump group was so critical of it. Wolff interviewed people in the White House plus some that left early in the administration. There are conversations that were recorded or quoted that explains a ton of shit that was happening since before the election. According to the writer, almost everyone within the cabinet thinks that Trump is uncontrollable.

    He, as of the release of the book, has never had a security briefing and refuses to read any of the briefs sent to him by his intelligence agencies. As I've said many times during my tirades about Trump's actions, he has absolutely no control of his mouth and just blurts out what he's thinking at the time with no apparent concept of the ramifications of what he's just said. He does not listen to any advise but rather makes up his own mind about issues and so far, this ideas have been totally wrong with Bannon, Prebus and some others, having to straighten them out. Bannon once said that all the kids and Ivanka's husband Jared, didn't have an hour of political experience and yet they were the people telling their dad what to do.

    Yes, some of the stuff in the book may very well be dreamed up, or biased, but, from what I remember of the past year, most of it's abs0lutely true. Trump has been exhibiting the behavior described in the book for decades and he is not changing.

    I know that it's convinced me that Trump will be lucky to finish his term and I cannot see him even running again much less being reelected. I suspect that Mueller will nail Trump's ass, and especially his kids asses, to the frigging wall before he's finished. ;) We'll see huh?
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Not going to go further as there is no point. I have some questions - why are you taking this book as being factual? Ever consider it could be total fabrication? Ever consider you believe it because it fits with the way you already feel?

    Nothing you have posted so far is all that different than any other administration - especially if you factor in a lot of his people not being political insiders. Infighting is normal. Fighting for access to the president is totally normal. Power struggles in the WH are normal. Trying to control what the president says in public is normal (although in this case there isn't a single person working for him that hasn't known all along shutting him up will never happen).

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