Question about the rules for heavyweight solo

Discussion in 'Information For New Racers' started by surfingsk8r, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. surfingsk8r

    surfingsk8r Well-Known Member

    In the rule book it says for the solo classes heavyweight expert and novice a&b SS SB and F1 machines If I'm reading that right it would mean that I can not race a 600cc bike in the heavyweight solo class My question is am I correct in my understanding of that and if so why because I know with the sprint races you can run a 600 in A and B classes Thanks.
  2. javyday

    javyday Well-Known Member

    Yes you can race a 600 in HW solo
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Since you can run the 600 up to the classes in sprints the same holds true for the solos so the 600 is fine. Just less typing than listing every possible class that can ride up to the HW one :D
  4. surfingsk8r

    surfingsk8r Well-Known Member

    Cool thanks for clearing that up for me I just wasn't sure because I know the rule of thumb for the rule book is if it doesn't say you can you can not. Either way thanks again for the clarification.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    That rule of thumb is actually just about the superstock rules. There is a list of SS mods you're allowed to do, anything else has to stay stock. The rest of the rulebook may or may not allow stuff :D

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