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Penn State scandal and cover-up.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by charles, Nov 6, 2011.

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  1. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Is there any actual evidence or leads that actually point to PSU or is just the connection that you wish is there? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that investigation close three years prior? How many cases he handle in that three year period? How many active cases did he have at the time he went missing?
  2. f4capt

    f4capt Zoinks!

    Under the circumstances the fact that Gricar never gave an explanation for not prosecuting Sandusky 1998 (and then Sandusky suddenly retires in 1999) is going to lead even non conspiracy theorists to ask questions.
  3. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Who's discussing 'wishes' here? It's simply an interesting and unsolved mystery that is going to get further attention due to the current Sandusky case.

    Regarding whatever cases that Gricar might have been handling, I've not seen any revelations about that issue. It seems everyone agreed that Gricar was the kind of person who wouldn't hesitate to prosecute anyone if he had to, including well-connected people. The only peculiar things I noticed were Gricar's visit to the antique shop immediately before he vanished, and the fact that he took along his laptop, which according to his assistants, sat on the shelf in his office every day...except the day he went missing.
  4. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Possible conflict of (financial) interest???

    In 2002, when McQueary testified that he told Paterno about the child-rape he witnessed in the showers at PSU, Paterno and Second Mile Chairman Robert Poole, and others, were involved in the development of a $125 million luxury retirement village- "The Village at Penn State". Each partner, it is reported, stood to make approx $ 590,000 plus 15 per cent annual interest on their investment. "The Village at Penn State" was the idea of former PSU President Graham Spanier...Paterno was featured in a video hawking the upscale community to senior citizens, as well as being involved in other profitable business schemes with Poole and other Second Mile trustees.

    In the words of an attorney, Jeff Anderson, representing several allaged victims, "It's no coincidence that they failed to act at the same time they were working on this project."

    "The Village at Penn State" has apparently gone belly-up and owes $ 18.8 million to former residents who are demanding refunds.
  5. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    You're insane. Money could never enter into this whole mess, just poor judgement and misguided intentions. No one does anything underhanded for money where the welfare of children is involved.
    If that were the case, what kind of world would this be?
  6. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Exactly! With all of these top-rated PSU educators on the Board of Directors for this charming retirment community ('The Village at Penn State') there is no doubt that the welfare of the children was top priority, after the provision of all of those PSU 'amenities' to the residents, of course:

    Gary Schultz, Vice-President for Finance and Business, now facing perjury trial;

    Rodney Kirsch, Senior Vice-President for Development and Alumni Relations;

    Bill Mahon, Vice-President for University Relations;

    Paul Rigby, retired Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs;

    Susan Welch, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Political Science;

    Thomas Schwartz, partner in the law firm of McQuaide Blasko...(hmmm...the only law firm (in the person of Wendell Courtney, Esq.) representing PSU for over 50 years until it was replaced in 2010 by the first ever 'in house' counsel, former PA State Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Baldwin...imagine having a $ 3.8 billion dollar operating budget and not having your own 'in house' legal team! But hey, why have anyone else except Wendell Courtney from McQuaide Blasko, who also represented The Second Mile charity...nifty conflict of interest there, wouldn't you say, as the investigations of Jerry Sandusky unfolded?)

    Yes, there are several other Board members, all connected in some manner with PSU. Anyway, just research 'The Village at Penn State' and browse through their website...first thing you'll notice the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy notification dated 30 NOV 2011...and look at those amenities for the old folks! Wow, yowsa, yowsa, WE ARE PENN STATE! Even a link to donate money to Alzheimers research! But wait, oh, look, it is a 'NON-PROFIT'! Do you believe that? What was I thinkin'???

    In closing, just to show you that Joe Paterno wasn't all that greedy, take note that he reportedly donated $ 3.5 mllion to PSU in 1998, after 'AQUA PENN', the bottled water company that Paterno invested in and promoted with some of his Second Mile cronies, was sold to a French company for $ 112 million.

    I almost forgot 'Pinnacle Development', another JoePa favorite along with his bud-buds from The Second Mile...but let's save that one until another day.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
  7. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    I was reading yesterday about how Hollywood was infested with pedophiles. Big Big names, yet it is kept quite so the money keeps flowing. Supposedly, Corey Haim ended up committing suicide over being continuously molested in his early teen years. Corey Feldman is saying he too was molested repeatedly as a teen in Hollywood, but refuses to name names in fear that it would end his career. The abused are becoming emboldened by recent events. Im guessing this is just the tip of the iceberg and many well known names will be facing their accusers in due time
  8. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    He has a career? In what field? Can't be acting.
  9. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    I knew that was coming.
  10. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.


    I'm fairly certain drugs, booze and stupidity ruined his career. :p
  11. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    Im not going there. As someone who has never been molested, im not going to say that behavior exhibited later in life had nothing to do with being molested as a child.In fact, im sure someone on here can almost guarantee that behavioral issues are common among people who were sexually molested as a child
  12. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    My guess is that it's almost a given. As to the level and impact I'm sure that varies a lot. The people that I personally know that were victims have issues.
  13. Marcmcm

    Marcmcm Huge Member

    So in your opinion, is everyone that ever volunteered for the Second Mile, worked at Penn State, or invested in State College all part of this big scandal?

    This is a very small town it would seem that when people with money want to get together and invest together that their paths could cross multiple times. Bob Poole, for instance, is a major investor and developer in State College. The time he spent on the Second Mile board probably accounted for 1% of his time. These are charity volunteer positions on the Second Mile Board of Directors. One of the members of the State Board of Directors from the Second Mile has her office 10 feet down the hall from me. Several of the other Board of Directors members are also local investors and developers. Is the mere fact that they made money in the area evidence to you that they too were covering up this scandal? And you made these conclusions based on what, a 23 page grand jury presentment? I'm sure that 23 page report is less than 1% of the testimony and evidence collected over the 2 years the grand jury investigated.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm as anti-Sandusky as pretty much everyone else. I just hate to see people who don't understand the dynamic and the parties involved drag my town and my alma mater through the mud if it's not deserved. It's really easy for everyone to make these stretch connections to people when they don't understand how small this town is. People's paths cross all the time here. When you remove the students (who stay in a very small area of town) the regular residents represent a small population.
  14. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Where exactly is there a conflict of interest and by whom? PSU, Second Mile, the law firm? I'm not seeing it. Now, if you want to talk about that actions of the lawyer and or law firm in the Sandusky information that was delivered to him, that is a different story. But, I do not see a conflict of interest. Also, are you privy to the structure of PSU, the legal obligations, the finances, and the operations of the university? If not, then what are your qualifications to determine what is the best legal representation for the university?

    Carry on with your crusade.
  15. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Quick answer to your questions: No, I don't think, of course, that everyone at PSU/Second Mile was involved in the crimes, just some people...hey, I'm just reporting here what has already been reported by various news sources. Have you written the same kind of responses to The Washington Post, the NY Times, Sports Illustrated, or ESPN, to name only a few, because they have also written about these same things?

    I don't see any 'stretch connections,' because I see some very direct connections. I must assume, despite the fact that the subject is PSU, that the very same liberties apply regarding freedom of speech, unless, of course, such things are not properly taught at PSU. If you find any falsehoods in what I've written here, please point them out; the best defense is the truth. If i'm in error, I will admit to it.

    I can assure you that the attorneys for the victims,and the state prosecutors, will be seeking answers to the same questions that are being raised herein and in other investigative media publications.

    You apparently are on very good terms with Bob Poole and The Second Mile charity, since you know for a fact how much time Mr. Poole spent taken up with Second Mile Board activities. Kindly tell us how you know that particular information ("less than 1% of his time...").
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
  16. charles

    charles The Transporter

    ??? Crusade? Is that what you see going on? What must you think about the same things being written or talked about in the news media, such as the NY Times, The Washington Post, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, ABC, NBC, CNN, and on and on. Must be driving you nuts! I feel for ya, but you need to stop being so defensive simply because you attended or attend PSU (or work there).

    My good man, the Trustees of PSU determined to shitcan the sad and sorry ass they had as outside legal counsel (do you find something odd with that?) in 2010, not me! You honestly do not comprehend the conflict of interest that an attorney representing both PSU and the Second Mile might have had when informed that the founder of The Second Mile was under investigation for possible child sexual abuse?

    By the way, here on the esteemed, albeit often infamous WERA bbs, we don't need no stinkin' credentials. What credentials do you possess to question my credentials? Huh?:D
  17. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Yup, from both of you, ironically.
  18. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Okay then...I'll just resign myself to a long drawn out war of attrition.
  19. chuckbear

    chuckbear Totally radical, bro.

    Then we all lose. Can we get some Shock and Awe up in this bitch??
  20. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Srue, I could dial up the intensity, but the Penn State guys we got on here would have strokes! We need to have some sense of decorum while we bleed slowly.:D
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