I dont know..its backwards but thats how they say it. I think they think it means Cis is normal and trans is opposite of normal.
You’re very close. It’s a linguistic effort to make trans seem normal by also giving normal people a label. Then they can call normal people “cishet” as a classifying term on an equal playing feel with their various special labels. It’s propaganda and newspeak.
Just google it. I’m not going to bother explaining it when Google exists. If Rob can do it so can you. Or don’t. It’s your life. Haha
Okay, let’s not put this in terms of a specific word. Words without a prepending or appending modifier are usually a concept that’s considered the default or normative state. Words with the modifier usually represent a deviation from the norm. By using a modifier on the default form of the word, you place the modified forms at an equal playing field. This is exactly why those with an agenda to promote transsexuality and other deltas have made an effort to label normal people with labels like “cis”. Being “cis” and “het” ARE the norms. It doesn’t mean being transgendered or gay are morally wrong or unworthy of respect and civil rights, but they are deviations from the majority of the population. You’re a very intelligent person, so I’m interested to hear what counterpoints you have about the linguistic usage and the actual motivation behind the attempts to change the language.
It is a descriptor to communicate that someone identifies with the same sex they were assigned at birth. That's it. All words (literally all of them) were made up. Humanity continues to make up words so we can more clearly communicate. Using my own use of "CIS" earlier in this thread I wanted to communicate to everyone that I identify with the same gender I was assigned at birth because it adds context to my life experience. If I were to use your preferred method of communication, I would say "I'm a normal male". That does not communicate the context that was quite pertinent to the conversation. Differentiating between my experience as a CIS male and someone that is not CIS. It is merely expanding humanity's vocabulary as it does organically to more precisely communicate. If you say you're a normal male, what specifically are you referring to? Are you heterosexual? Are you Asian? That would be the most normal male. Do you not want anyone to use the descriptor "heterosexual" when referring to straight people? Are you offended by that? Why is heterosexual a perfectly "normal" word to teach and learn and everyone accepts it, yet CIS is a propaganda tool? I can tell you it is likely simply because the word is more recently commonly used than heterosexual. That's it. Oh wait, are you Asian or no? Also, can non-Asian men say they're normal?
Im learning here. I thought cis and hetero were equivalents. But if cis just means identifies with what most people refer to as biological sex, then what about a gay man that still identifies as a his biological sex? Would he be a cis homosexual?
I had some red Chuck Taylors in high school, they were awesome. I wonder if they still make them in red?