What a pathetic excuse of a man. Typical "artist." Talks about how awesome he is, while doing something I learned in high school shop class.
Was thinking the same, he’s an “artist” so that’s an excuse to be inefficient to produce enough of these things to be competitive for a product that’s nothing revolutionary. And the super seasoning of it, heck I think even Mongo chimed in once on how to do it
So you guys are now bitching about two people that got off their ass and started making a product in the US? <Fucking confused>
Pretentious people always piss me off. The artistic types are at the top of the list. As far as cast iron pans made in the US ... https://www.lodgecastiron.com/about-lodge
At least the people at Lodge Cast Iron are indeed not pretentious at all. We make the best cookware on the planet!
I saw one of these for sale on FB marketplace and made me go WTF is that!? A two stroke home built death trap is what it is
Dammit, let's make an effort, people. You post something like this, write at least "Lanzante," so I don't skip it.
Wow .. another 10 feet or so and that would have collected the Black Jeep as well . That’s scary as F@ck