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Odd-Ball Picture of the Day

Discussion in 'General' started by bitchcakes, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Once a Wanker..

    Once a Wanker.. Always a Wanker!

  2. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Cow farts are methane which are more toxic than what comes out the tailpipe of a modern car. Same after you eat beans or chili. If you had a 1:1 volume ratio of car exhaust vs. cow farts, you'd be dead from the cow very quickly.

    That's why India is a major contributor to "greenhouse gases." They have a ton of cows, but don't kill them. Not to mention coal fired power plants.
    RS_NX5 likes this.
  3. Cooter!

    Cooter! Sarcasm level: Maximum

    Don't you DARE bring logic, reason, and facts into this!! I read on Facebook that......:crackup:
  4. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Don't forget all the pollution caused by the fires in CA.

  5. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    What’s the cow fart RPM though?

    do cows have continual gas or do they let a fart out once per 15 minutes??

    we need more data
    CBRRRRR999, 969 and Once a Wanker.. like this.
  6. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    hold up there now for a second before you pull a Kamala Victory Tour.

    there’s more facts and data needed before you dye your hair purple.
    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  7. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com


    It’s lack of personal hygiene and preference for shitting in a field instead of using the loo. A billion times, every day.
    ToofPic and Once a Wanker.. like this.
  8. Critter

    Critter Registered

    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  9. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    Nah, the Brits left in ‘47. Not much has changed, except the scam calls.
    CBRRRRR999 and Once a Wanker.. like this.
  10. HAZE

    HAZE Group Therapy

  11. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Even the tree huggers admit cows are a worse problem than all of humankind.

    Oh, and to answer your question - depends if you are talking about two stroke or four stroke farts. 2T cows fart more, but when fed castol feed their farts smell nice.
    CBRRRRR999 and 969 like this.
  12. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    The local cows use Blendzall.
  13. Poop

    Poop solid today

  14. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Man, some folks on social media can be brutal. Screenshots from a YT vid.


  15. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Whats the brutal part there?
  16. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    I kept reading it as pop tart titties...
    CR750, casjoker, The Todd and 3 others like this.
  17. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Oh... So that's not what it said? :crackup:
  18. DmanSlam

    DmanSlam Well-Known Member

  19. HAZE

    HAZE Group Therapy

    Chain needs a little adjustment
  20. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    Doesn't seem to understand how that rear suspension works, does he?

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