True story: I was in Atlantic City for a financial conference many moons ago during my former life. I was siting in my rental car with the window rolled down eating a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit when a Jersey seagull few in, landed on the windowsill, pecked a beak-full of my breakfast sandwich, and flew off. His buddies all flocked in, and I had to throw my breakfast out into the parking lot lest I be pecked to death. Fuckin NJ seagulls don't play!!!
That’s hilarious! The image I posted was from a gif or a meme or whichever one it is that shows motion. The video clip is a riot, total bedlam on the person’s front hood. I don’t know whether you are allowed to post video clips or how to do it. Anyway, if you look closely at the image, you can see a french fry in midair to the right. That person is deliberately torturing and amping up those seagulls by flinging fries on the dashboard, only even though they are all going mine, mine, mine, the fries are not theirs because they are outside. Look at the seagull in the middle, squawking away. And I dig the concentration on the one to the near left. Lolololzzz. I may frame this picture.