Michelin Saturday race accident;

Discussion in 'General' started by noidly1, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. noidly1

    noidly1 Well-Known Member

    A good friend of mine, Tom Shaw #359, was badly injured in his first race of the day on Saturday.

    There are conflicting stories as to what actually happened.

    What we have heard;
    He was going over a blind hill/turn and high-sided, then got ran over by another bike, this we know.
    What we don't know, and he believes, is that he was hit from behind, which caused the high-side, then ran over by the same person.
    Another story is that he high-sided on his own, then got ran over.

    If anyone has seen the crash, for his piece of mind, and ours, please let us know.

    His injuries include;
    Pelvis broke in half,
    side of Pelvis shattered,
    broken Tailbone,
    broken Hip,
    broken Femur,
    torn Ureathra(sp?)'
    torn Bladder and other misc. injuries.

    The Doc says that he will more than likely be out of commission for a year.
    Tom has a rod sticking out both sides of his hips with other pins holding things in place.

    So far, that we know of, the SPINELESS individual that ran him over has made no attempt to find out how Tom was doing, or give any appology.

    You can follow up on this @

    We have a few benefits and fund raisers setup for him and his wife.

    Also, if you are on facebook, look-up http://www.facebook.com/karenlynn28?ref=nf
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  2. SUPER K

    SUPER K Run-off Tester

    I'm sorry to hear of your friends injuries, prayers inbound.
  3. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Hope your friend heals up ok but did you ever stop to think that "the spineless individual" may be injured too? or don't know who he hit...Just saying
  4. BC

    BC Well-Known Member


    You admitted you don't know the details, so you should chill a bit.

    Hope your buddy heals!
  5. noidly1

    noidly1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I heard he/she crashed too, but Still...
    I doubt that person got hurt as bad as Tom did or it would have been all over this board.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  6. mountain lion

    mountain lion Well-Known Member

    jesus christ....best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  7. paistes5

    paistes5 Well-Known Member

    You're saying the other guy is spineless because he isn't as hurt? Dude, get the facts before spouting this crap. Regardless, I hope your friend heals and gets better soon. Crashing sucks.
  8. noidly1

    noidly1 Well-Known Member

    Come on man, quit putting words in my mouth. Or anything else...

    Spineless may be the wrong word, could have left it out, however, you get the point.

    I do hope the other rider is Ok. Hopefully he/she will respond.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2009
  9. Chand

    Chand Well-Known Member

    speedy recovery...to your friend...!!!...
  10. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    He was hurt pretty bad.....I hope he heals up ok.
  11. noidly1

    noidly1 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear. Ditto...

    Anyone on here actually see what happened to them?
  12. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    racing incidents happen, and this board see this all the time... friends, etc calling out the "other" person in the incident.

    nobody means harm upon another racer. accidents happen and unfortunately you cant control some situations. some racers dont frequent the BBS as much as other, and im sure there are some racers that arent even signed up.

    we can all guarantee that the other person that was involved in this incident isnt "spineless".... im sure it will all work itself out in the end.

    to those involved, get well soon.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  13. CafeRacer

    CafeRacer Well-Known Member


    Heal fast. No one intends to be the, "other guy" in a crash. We're all out there doing the same thing.
  14. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    :stupid: x2
  15. racepro171

    racepro171 to finish first, first you must finish!

    I was pitted with two of the guys behind the crash, they both said he got on the gas and the tail spit out and then grabbed. I also met the day before the guy who hit Tom. I saw him after, and yes he was also hurt, no hospital. He is an older gentleman who may not even use this board. can't remember his #. He said he had no where to go. As we all know these things happen soooo fast you rarely get a chance to make a choice.
    I hope Tom heals quickly and rides agian.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  16. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    so the guy highsided...how does that make the other rider spineless?

    racing is dangerous, people get hurt.
  17. RubberChicken

    RubberChicken PimpMasterT

    I've been in exactly this situation, a rider lowsided in front of me and I could not avoid hitting him dead-center in his back. Luckily for him, he was rolling and not injured but for some bruises. I also crashed, got a concussion and a knee injury that has never resolved, but that is not my point. My point is that it was the worst moment in my entire racing career, hurting another rider. It definitely changed the way I feel when I race, took some of the enjoyment out of it. I spoke to that rider later, and there were no hard feelings either way.

    Racing is serious business, and sometimes riders sustain serious or even fatal injuries. That's just how it is, and we all accept that when we roll up to the grid.

    I'm sorry to hear of your friend's injuries. You're a good friend for looking out for him. and I certainly understand your frustration and anger. Talk about it.
  18. Apollo JD

    Apollo JD Ninja Cat

    Great, your friend caused a nice older gentleman to crash. Now how does calling him out feel? Get the facts first.
  19. Dr. GoFast

    Dr. GoFast Well-Known Member

    those injuries sound horrendous. my prayers go out to he and his wife :(
  20. R1Racer99

    R1Racer99 Well-Known Member

    I was pitted next to the guy who hit him. I never talked to him but after they bandaged him up a bit, he left. It might have been hard for him to apologize when he was being treated and Tom was on the way to the hospital. His bike was there Sunday but I never saw him again.

    I also talked to James Brown about the accident because he had spent all night in the hospital with Tom. He said the guy who hit him was very shaken up afterwards because of what had happened. Not trying to spread hearsay, but the guy who seemed to be closest to the situation (and a very stand-up guy as well) didn't place any blame on the other rider. I would ask him before jumping to any conclusions because he seemed to be closest to what happened after the accident.

    Also, I really hope Tom's recovery goes well, as horrible as his injuries are, at least his spine and head are intact. Hopefully he can get back to a normal life soon.

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