I have never understood the fascination with eating something that looks like it comes from a soiled diaper.
This is all well and good, but if OMB goes to war with Ireland and prices of corned beef and cabbage skyrocket in March, there will be hell to pay!
Fresh made guacamole on eggs or a lamb burger patty is pretty damn good. But I can definitely live without it.
two things- 1: avocados are amazing, delicious, and healthy for you. 2: my friend owns a 10 acre avocado farm in santa barbara, CA. (wealthy family) . She hates those "avocados from mexico" commercials. when i buy avocados at the store she shames me, and gives me a bunch of hers from the farm. the quality difference is insane, how much better the small farm, organic avocados are than the cartel version. thats all.
How do you suggest I get your friend to ship some to me? I'd like to compare, strictly for my own purely scientific purposes. So, my daughter is a PhD. Please let your friend know a Dr. needs a couple dozen for a scientific research experiment.
As long as they aren’t those giant bright green ones that are 1/2 water. Not sure where they’re from but they are terrible. Regular old avocados are a gift from god.
When CA runs out of water for people to drink but can still supply folks with the green bilge you call delicious, I'll remember this post.
Only had guac at restaurants, and never liked it. I finally tried some guac that my wife made, and it turns out that I really like homemade fresh guac. And I like it even more when I make it myself and flavor it the way I like.