Mav out at Yamaha?

Discussion in 'General' started by track wagon, Aug 12, 2021.

  1. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Except they still pay him and I guarantee he's not going to let them pay much below the €7M contract he has with them.

    Cool to have € 7M piece of art parked on your wall if you're a hedge fund manager but if you're Jarvis and the Euro head of racing parking € 7M ain't going to fly with Japan.
  2. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan My 13 year old is faster than your President

    Move Rossi up to the Factory bike to end his career. Cal and Garrett Gerloff can ride the Petronas bikes to the end of the season.

    MV can watch at home on TV after squandering his chances to leave Yamaha professionally.
  3. stangmx13

    stangmx13 Well-Known Member

    He’d get lapped twice
  4. stangmx13

    stangmx13 Well-Known Member

    “Endangered himself and other riders” seems like an ez way to get out of paying someone. Plus the last few years of GP have shown that contracts don’t mean much.
  5. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking The Iron Price

    Sunk cost fallacy.
  6. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    The second sentence doesn't even matter. They are required to replace Viñales after one round.
    BigBird, Canadian Bacon and stangmx13 like this.
  7. kenessex

    kenessex unregistered user

    Yamaha can probably get away with moving Morbidelli up for the rest of the season, once he is healthy. In the meantime they need to put somebody on the factory bike, and Cal is the logical choice since he is under contract and popular, especially in GB. Petronas can use the rest of the year to look at possible riders for next year, but some of the potential riders have contracts with other teams or conflicts between series. That really leaves them Binder, Dixon and Vierge since they all have Petronas contracts and are not in contention for their respective championships. The question then is if they bring up a Moto2 or Moto3 rider who do they put on those bikes? It would be easiest for all concerned to let Mav ride and keep Cal on the Petronas bike until Franky comes back. I know that is going to be tough on all the Mav haters (me included) and all the GG proponents, but I suspect that is the way it will go.
  8. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

  9. Well if you get bipolar results, act like an asshole I’m not sure what else he expected. Yamaha Japan is not going to tolerate that shit let alone when you aren’t getting results.
    He’s an odd dude as you never know which MV will show up. It’s one that has always been quite baffling to me.
    BHP41 likes this.
  10. stangmx13

    stangmx13 Well-Known Member

    Anyone know if Nakasuga retired? Assuming Cal is riding the factory bike, using another Yamaha test rider at SRT would probably be easier than shuffling Moto2 riders around.
  11. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    What is travel like into Europe now-a-days with the Covids? Can outside the EU even get in and out quickly?
  12. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Well in that link it says Cal taking Mavs seat and Jake Dixon moving up to SRT
  13. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Yes, if he carries his proof of stabbing.
  14. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Not required for an American to get into NL.
  15. ton

    ton Arf!

    Additionally, the US still requires proof of negative PCR based test taken no more than three days prior to returning to the US, regardless of stabbing status. And no matter where you're entering the US from.
    BigBird likes this.
  16. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    But the after interview would be epic!
  17. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Outside of being British, not sure I understand the appeal of Dixon at this point. He's hardly at the pointy end of the Moto2 grid.
    CRA_Fizzer likes this.
  18. stangmx13

    stangmx13 Well-Known Member

    He did well on 1000s in BSB. So people seem to think he'll go better in GP than Moto2. Also, private teams are willing to gamble with "random" riders these days because the correlation between Moto2 and GP results isn't as good as it used to be.
  19. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Quattro sure supports this thinking too. He was underwhelming in Moto2 and immediately took to the MotoGP bike. With Cam's Yammy ties, it wouldn't hurt to give him a test at least also. He kinda did OK on leader bikes stateside.
    BHP41 likes this.
  20. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    He had some good races last year until he got hurt. I hope he goes well as I think M2 isn’t showing his true potential.

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