Ok click on this one and his translate == Holy Ouch! https://www.krone.at/3648506 I also read a few more articles, now the translation I think could possibly be really bad, but I THINK MAYBE???? Not sure how Austrian employment works, but there is a very small possibility that...... Employees that are due wages are considered a creditor?? IF and I cannot specify IF hard enough. That IF that is the case and ALL of the employees stick together it is possible that KTM will not have 50% of the credit money debt and 50% of the creditors vote for the restructuring plan. If the creditors do not reach the consensus than boom it's over! I read that the employees have submitted claims against the insolvency court, now that translation could be bad and mean they just submitted an unemployment claim.....Sooooooonot sure? I mean a shit ton has to happen and be right with that
Financial ombudsman team managing director Gerald Zmuegg criticises the public debate surrounding the KTM bankrupt: “In my opinion, this is already heading towards entrepreneurial bashing in the worst way. Fact is that KTM grew in 2023 once again from sales. The fact is that the average salary per employee rose by 14,000 euros from 2020 to 2023. The fact is that the profit 2023 has been around 96 million euros.”