(KT) Kinesiology Tape?

Discussion in 'General' started by turbodogs02, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. turbodogs02

    turbodogs02 Just batting at the bunny

    Hey anyone every used this product before? Or anything like it?

    I've had surgeries on both of my knees (years ago), and they both cause me grief with running, cycling, hell even golfing - just walking the hills and bending down to read putts, etc.....

    I usually wear a brace to run on my right knee, the left is the lesser of the two evils. But I've seen more and more athletes wearing this tape on various parts and was wondering how good a couple pieces of tape would be compared to a traditional type of brace.

    Noticed it during the Australian Open, some beach volleyball matches, hell even saw some dude in Target with his ankle/calf taped up.

    From what I've read, it works. Anyone tried it before?
  2. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    I had have used it before but you need someone who knows what they are doing to apply it.
    I think it helped me some. Not a "magic pill" but I think it worked. Certainly could of been placebo affect...

    Ride safe,
  3. t11ravis

    t11ravis huge carbon footprint

    Depends on what your knee problems are.
    If it's patellofemoral it definitely could help, if it's OA or a ligament tear then I doubt it. There are several PT's on this board I believe, they know way more about taping than I do. I just know that the structural braces I fit are pretty sturdy and I don't see a piece of tape being able to replicate that.
  4. vince69007

    vince69007 CRASH277

    ive had it on my shoulder after an injury caused me to get a labrum tear (i think thats what its called). the physiotherapist taped my shoulder to hold it in its proper spot so that my muscles could relax.

    for my knee i have a brace. it sux but it works.
  5. tdaigle

    tdaigle Member

    I'm only a part time gynecologist :D , but that sounds like a female body part to me! So does that mean your injury gave you a pu$$y?:crackup:

    JK that is what its called, and was suspected of having one myself
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  6. turbodogs02

    turbodogs02 Just batting at the bunny

    Well I tried it out. Found the website and followed the directions on the video. Seemed to actually help. Not quite like a brace felt, but certainly did more than I thought just some tape would do. I liked that it wasn't as bulky as wearing the brace.

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