Keep Zac Chapman in your thoughts and prayers

Discussion in 'General' started by BC, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. CMMFL

    CMMFL Well-Known Member

    I guess the "force" that drives me to prayer for Zac is...I'm a mother of a former racer....I'm blessed with a healthy family....I know Zac's mother needs our prayers as much as Zac does. Just bow your head, Pucksdown....that's all the force you need.
  2. ducnut748

    ducnut748 King of Speed

    Zac is a great kid, he helped us out in 08. on the way home from Summit a 3am he asked if he could help drive. I was like..sure. You ever drive pull a 48 foot trailer...He says " I am from Texas...what do you think" he drove the rest of the way home. He is a great young man from a great family. we are extremley lucky to him as a friend

  3. Yuliya

    Yuliya Well-Known Member

    Friday 12/11/09

    Dr. Carman (vision clinic) has taped Zac's eye shut due to the injury to the cornea. If this does not work something more drastic will be considered...stitching it shut. Mom's not very happy that this was most likely caused by someone putting ointment in his eye in the first place.

    The search for finding a place for Zac after discharge from BIR is not without its challenges. Even the case manager from Zac's insurance company is helping with finding a place. Zac is considered "medically complex" which makes this (along with his age) difficult. Please pray that God will lead us to the right facility and that it will be a good one that can give him the care he needs.

    Sunday 12/13/09

    Here at BIR with Zac. They have a make shift patch over his left eye today to keep it shut so that it does not dry out. Zac is about to get a bath, so I thought I would do a quick update. There was supposed to be another eye Dr. come yesterday, but they never showed; maybe tomorrow.
  4. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    More prayers sent.
  5. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    and even more
  6. 2old2fat2slow

    2old2fat2slow DragonKnee Racing

    Still praying every day for the specific blessings Zac needs. Please keep the updates coming Jenny. I will not stop praying for your boy.
  7. pucksdown

    pucksdown WERA #9

    Prayers sent.
  8. Chand

    Chand Well-Known Member

  9. Smithjeb

    Smithjeb Well-Known Member

    Come on man, get well...
  10. Yuliya

    Yuliya Well-Known Member

    Tuesday 12/16/09

    The nurse at BIR said the chest xray came back clear, but Zac's white blood cell count is up so there is an infection somewhere. They did an EKG, but it just showed tachycardia, abnormally rapid heartbeat. There was nothing else significant that showed up on the EKG. The culture on Zac's urine was not back yet, but that might be where the infection is. Please continue to pray for Zac, that God will continue to lead, guide, and direct in the discharge plans. I pray for a facility that can provide the care that Zac needs, and I pray for a place close to home.

    I forgot to specifically ask for prayer because I also found out that Kindred (the LTAC that he was at before) is coming to eval Zac's medical situation on Monday to determine if they will accept him. We would like for this to occur!!
  11. RacerGirl117

    RacerGirl117 Well-Known Member

    Many many prayers for Zac and for his family and close friends.
  12. pucksdown

    pucksdown WERA #9

    Prayers for Zac, his family, and the betterment of his situation.
  13. Yuliya

    Yuliya Well-Known Member

    Wednesday 12/16/09

    Found out that Zac is scheduled for surgery on his eyes next Monday. The Dr. will be implanting gold weights in his eyelids and stitching the corners of his eyes to help keep his eyes lubricated. This is needed because Zac is not blinking well, and his eyes do not close completely. The neurosurgeon came by today and is thinking about doing surgery next week to replace the bone flap. So, potentially Zac might have 2 surgeries next week. It does seem that the roller coaster ride continues for Zac and family. Please pray for Zac and the surgeons, that things will go smoothly and without complications.
  14. beechkingd

    beechkingd Well-Known Member

    Prayers sent for Zac's continued fight.
  15. peakpowersports

    peakpowersports Well-Known Member

    I check this about once a week to see how hes doing, even though each time I do I get choked up. I wish the best to you and everyone involved and pray for a full recovery to Zac and his family.
  16. Yuliya

    Yuliya Well-Known Member

    Thursday 12/17/09

    Found out today that Zac will only be having one surgery next week. The neurosurgeon will be putting back in his bone flap on Monday at 7:15 in the morning. His recommendation is that the eye surgery be postponed due to the fact that there will be swelling in the eye area after his surgery. Zac should only stay a period of about 23 hours for observation and then return to BIR. The bone flap is to be overnighted from Virginia prior to the surgery. Kindred is coming to eval him tomorrow to see if he can go there after discharge from BIR. Zac's insurance company is not really wanting this, but this would be so much better than having to go to a nursing home. Please pray that Zac's surgery will go well, and that Kindred will accept him as a patient after his discharge, and that Zac's insurance company will agree that he needs to go to an LTAC and not a nursing home.
  17. Phoenix

    Phoenix Well-Known Member
  18. Team Rev

    Team Rev Race Junkie

    Thanks for all the updates, check them almost daily.
  19. Yuliya

    Yuliya Well-Known Member

    Saturday 12/19/09

    Visited Zac today, he is about the same. Still having issues with increased heart rate at times. Getting ready for the surgery on Monday.
  20. pucksdown

    pucksdown WERA #9

    Lord, don't let a mother lose her son. Take him through another surgery and give those doctors knowledge to bring Zac back.

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