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Keep Zac Chapman in your thoughts and prayers

Discussion in 'General' started by BC, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. gmd

    gmd Well-Known Member

    We have been keeping up with how things are going with Zac and pray for the day we see he is awake and making progress. Keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.
  2. Photo_Chick

    Photo_Chick Leo's Wench!

    Still praying...
  3. pucksdown

    pucksdown WERA #9

    Zac, please keep your spirits up!
  4. bardo

    bardo Well-Known Member

    de profundis ad lucem
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  5. martyna

    martyna A Little BRIT Different

    I keep checking in on Zac's Progress from time to time hoping and praying to see some good news, I like everyone else are still hanging in there and keeping our fingers and toes crossed
  6. Yuliya

    Yuliya Well-Known Member

    Updates from Jenny from Saturday, Sep. 19:

    I'm sorry I did not give an update last night. Here's one for this morning. Poor Zac, his left arm started swelling so they had to remove the I.V. They tried to poke around on him and find another spot, but were not able to. (the nurse did tell me he reacted to the poking around by trying to withdraw his arm!!!) So, they have an I.V. in his left foot.

    They could not use his right arm because of the blood clots being found recently. They have switched feeding "formulas", but Zac threw up again early this morning. We will wait and see what will be done about this. Again, I was told it is not uncommon for patients to not tolerate this in the beginning.

    When I spoke to Fred this morning, Zac was breathing over the vent!! The setting is still set on 12 breaths per minute and Zac was breathing above that. This is encouraging and something we all have been praying for. Please continue in prayer for Zac to be weaned off the vent, to start tolerating his tube feedings well, and that the Lord would guide us to the LTAC that is best for Zac!!!
  7. 2old2fat2slow

    2old2fat2slow DragonKnee Racing

    Thank you Yuliya for the continuous updates on Zac. I have been praying very specifically based on the information you have provided. I will check this thread every day and keep praying to our Father in Heaven for your Zac's recovery. No prayer goes unheard. May God bless you and all of Zac's friends and family during this trial. May it bring you closer to each other and closer to our God. Praise and glorify His name in all things.
  8. ducnut748

    ducnut748 King of Speed

    Hi Jenny
    I have just returned from Idaho, Zac has been in our thoughts from day 1. Spence and I are planning a trip up to see Zac and Fred next week. If there is anything that we can bring up for you guys just let me know.
    Maybe we can all hit up that Chic felay again.

    Best Wishes

    Spencer, Tony, Jean an Aaron
  9. MrWheeler

    MrWheeler Well-Known Member

    Nice to read about some improvements, even small ones, after everything else.

    Go Zac!
  10. mb4lunch

    mb4lunch Expert#40 SouthEast

    Best wishes!! Get well soon buddy!! :up:
  11. zupatun

    zupatun Well-Known Member

    Prayer said. A little every day adds up.

    Matt Roth and Family.
  12. Yuliya

    Yuliya Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the delay in posting, I've been without computer.

    Sunday Sep. 20

    Well, one piece of good news, Zac has been breathing above the vent for most of the day. The bad news is he spiked a temp of 102.4 last night and he is still not tolerating the tube feedings well. He has not vomited, but they are finding high residuals in his stomach. That means he is not digesting the liquid nourishment that is going into his stomach through the tube. Again, we will wait and see what the Dr's decide to do. Zac was already thin, but his dad sent a picture of him sitting up today and he is thinner. This is hard to see, your baby struggling so... Please continue to pray for Zac, that the Lord will continue to be with him and help him get better. Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope;patient in tribulation;continuing instant in prayer...

    Monday Sep. 21

    Not much change in Zac today. He is not breathing over the vent today. Fred said they did a test to see if there were any blood clots present in his arms and other areas(?). We do not know the results of that yet. Zac was transferred into a chair today for a couple of hours. We are narrowing our choices down for LTAC's. Fred is going to call and speak to the nurse that gave us the tour at Kindred and voice his concerns. If he is comfortable with how the conversation goes, we may have our winner!! We are ready for Zac to come home, and we are ready for him to go into an area of the LTAC where he will get a little more attention throughout the day than he is getting currently.

    We still ask for prayers for Zac and also that the Lord will guide us in the direction we should go regarding LTAC's. Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

    Tuesday, Sep. 22

    Well, good news about Zac coming home. It COULD possibly happen by this weekend!! It's still in the works, so we will keep our fingers crossed. Fred said the Dr. came in today and turned the vent down to 10 breaths per minute and Zac is breathing above the vent. Really no change other than that in his condition.

    We are going to ask that Zac not have any visitors at first for a while so that he can get settled in his new environment. We want this to be as stress free as possible for him, and when the time is right we will contact you when a visit can occur. We know that many of you care about Zac and want to come see him, but we need to do what is best for him. Please continue in prayer for Zac. May he have safe travel when the time comes, and may he continue to heal and not develop any more complications. May the staff in Virginia treat him well while he is still there, and may the staff in Texas come to love him and treat him well also!!

    Today, Wednesday Sep. 23

    O.K. I think I can post this with confidence... Zac will be coming home next Tuesday!! Had to get the air ambulance lined up. I spoke with a person who's daughter had been to Kindred and then on to Baylor, and he had good things to say about both places. God was really directing our paths!! Thank you Lord :)) They lowered the vent setting to 8 today and Zac is breathing around 14; so that is good!! Gee, he must be getting psyched for the trip home!! He seems to be tolerating the tube feedings a little better also. Thank you all so much for your prayers for Zac and for the family. We love you all so much, yes, even the ones we haven't even met!! Please continue in prayer for Zac. You have all been doing a wonderful job so far!! "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" Matt 18:20.
  13. RoadracerR123

    RoadracerR123 Well-Known Member

    Brings a smile to my face! :up: Wishing all the best!
  14. maine11204

    maine11204 Well-Known Member

    Awesome news!
  15. Fuzzy317

    Fuzzy317 a Crash Truck near you

    good news
  16. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Good news and thanks for the update. I hope and pray for a safe trip to Texas and a full recovery. Maybe when Zac smells some good Texas BBQ he will sit up and ask for some.
  17. automan

    automan It's all about the drive!

    good update
  18. More prayers and good wishes from NC
  19. Tiffanator

    Tiffanator Z1000 Chicky

    I don't know you guys, but have been following Zac's progress on this hard road and want you to know that I am pulling for him! Glad to hear some good news about him heading home and breathing above the vent.
  20. darkside879

    darkside879 Well-Known Member

    awsome new!!! Will still keep in my prayers!!

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