We are all hibernating, waiting for the evil SV650s to be burned from the earth, only then shall the chosen racers rise from their slumber and mount their nimble steads and ride into glory.
I’ve only been able to resemble not embarrassingly slow, on 2 bikes…..my fzr400 and my 99 r6. Everything else……like sucking shit through a strawThe flexi-flyer ex500 was at least fun though
There was one for sale at Round 6 so they are definitely still out there in the wild. The quietest race I'd ever witnessed was stock P-twins. I don't recall the name of the class exactly but it sounded like a bunch of sewing machines were racing. I felt bad for everyone out there.
I am glad I got to witness motorcycle road racing in the starting in the early 90s.....some of ya'll missed out. People used to spend serious effin money on hawks, EX500's etc...I mean like buy a small house money. You know why? There was nothing else. You had grey market import Japanese 400's and then 600s on up. There werent 32 flavors of small/middleweight twins to play with. You had to build them yourself. Overbore EX500 cylinders so much you had to re-sleeve them with ZX11 sleeves...when that got to big you spent serious money....custom billet cranks and stuff............... Cut the frame up and brace it. Hang modern front ends on them. Whole new swing arms and shocks...move everything around...weld up valves and re do the head... Just to make medium SB build SV HP.
Bet you fuckers had more needles than a junkie, more shims than a pride parade, and more jets than the tub at the Turkish bath.
yeah some wild stuff back in the day...if you had some machine tools or $$$$ built ass EX motors grafted into GS frames...better of both worlds.
I recall Frank Strohman? I think was his name built a monster EX 500 that was fast Af! Especially at Roebling!
I had a pretty potent EX superbike that my dealer put together back in '87, won a few races on it at Blackhawk. Good times!