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I need a new handgun...lets talk guns today. :D

Discussion in 'General' started by Kris87, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    Shot another IDPA match this morning at AAFG off Annapolis/50. Botched the last stage....forgot my spare mag, and went for a reload and grabbed a handful of air. OOps!!!
    But, they designed REALLY good stages, had a pot belly stove going outside to keep your hands warm, and kept the event running like clockwork. Great bunch of folks there. It's 10 minutes from my girlfriend's house and they have 2 matches a month. I have a feeling I'll be a regular.
  2. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    Those Kimber 2011’s look pretty cool. Anyone seent them?
  3. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    No...but one of the shooters today I believe had an Apache Watchtower. I thought I heard him say something about it, but Mike wasn't in my squad and I forgot to check after.

    I say that because the aesthetics of the Kimber kind of reminded me of the Watchtower.

    It truly is a great time to be a 2011 fan.
  4. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

  5. GixxerJohn011

    GixxerJohn011 Well-Known Member

    Damn! Have you seen Jessie James’ guns? He does some Damascus stuff, you have to inquire for the price. I don’t know how much it is other than too much for me.

    I’m going to go see the gunsmith about the MCarbo stuff tomorrow. I took Scott Jedlinski’s MSP class last weekend and part of it was getting to a fully prepped trigger. The Walther DPT has pre travel then another wall and then the break. I asked him about the mush of a 365 and he said there are 4 walls in them. Sure enough I can find four walls in it now. He said some Glocks have 12 :crackup:I’m curious if the MCarbo you have gets rid of a few of them?
    He had us dry fire our pistols with the mag well resting on our stomach to take the weight off your firing hand. It was a freaking outstanding class that I cannot recommend enough.
    StaccatoFan likes this.
  6. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    I mean it's basically the same thing as their Insurrection double stack 1911 with a different finish and I'm guessing the slide has hand engraving.

    Personally, I'd rather have the Insurrection in a 5 inch barrel length. I don't need all that additional artistry. But, I would like to have one of their guns in my collections.

    Which makes me think that my Sig P226 Legion SAO and my Sig P322 X5 DH3 may need a new home. They're both GREAT pistols, but they just sit in my safe.
  7. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    talk to me about Bolt Carrier Groups for AR-15's....what's your preference, and why?

    I'm finishing up a little AR-15 project with Sniper Gray furniture from Aero....it's near completion..I think I just need the BCG and gas block and she's done (OR very close)
  8. GixxerJohn011

    GixxerJohn011 Well-Known Member

    I like Sons of Liberty but take that with a grain of salt. I am an absolute novice with a rifle and have a fraction of a fraction the experience I do with pistols…I might be at 2,500 rounds with a rifle. I’m in San Antonio, the home of SOLGW, and in my quest to upgrade my AR they kept comIng up. I thought that was just a San Antonio thing but they seem to be pretty well thought of outside of SA.

    Is it the absolute best? Hell if I know but they stand behind what they sell and will tell you yes there might be a better material but unless you get to 20,000 rounds this will be more than adequate. Also if you shoot it out they’ll replace it. If you use it in self defense and yours is in evidence they’ll give you a loaner.

    One knock on them is they don’t manufacture their own parts but one common thing I heard from multiple shops in the area was that their quality control is off the charts.
    StaccatoFan likes this.
  9. gt#179

    gt#179 Dirt Dork

    GixxerJohn has a good recommendation. IMHO either stick with a basic mil-spec phosphate BCG that is from a reputable company (SOLGW, Daniel Defense, BCM, Forward Controls, etc) or there are a few higher end BCG that you could look into, the main one that is usually universally recommends is the Sionics NP3 BCG if you want "an upgrade" with a better finish (NP3 coating). Don't buy Nickel Boron (NiB). If you want to delve into BCG a bit more (or anything really related to the AR15 DI platform) look at the information put out by SOTAR (School of the American Rifle). He goes into a lot of detail of what works and what doesn't and the amount of time he spends gauging products.

    there are some other higher end stuff that might be worth it if you have a bunch of money to drop (Geissele REBCG, LMT eBCG, Centurion, KAC Sandcutter, etc)

    I've got a variety but the 3 that I use mostly are the Sionics NP3, Microbest Chrome, Rubber City Armory Nitride. Easy to clean, slick with good lube (SOTARacha) and most importantly, companies that have a good reputation for quality products. and for sure I would include SOLGW in with these. I have been using their rails on a few builds and really like them, and would use their BCG without question as well.
    redtailracing and StaccatoFan like this.
  10. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    I like the 2-piece BCG from Q. Why? Because it’s really easy to clean and there’s no firing pin retainer clip in there that’ll break. Takedown/assembly is simple and requires no special tools. Plus, the bronze colored end sticks out just enough through the ejection port to look nifty.
    StaccatoFan likes this.
  11. ungwaha

    ungwaha Well-Known Member

    How does the firing pin come out? Does it come out when you pull the bolt?
  12. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    The rear half of the BCG holds it in place. Those two halves are held together with a rather large transversely-installed pin. So, once you push that on out and take the rear off, the pin falls right out. Nice n’ easy to clean.

    It still cracks me up that there’s no firing pin block in an AR-pattern BCG. There’s no way anyone would build a gun like that, these days.
    StaccatoFan and ungwaha like this.
  13. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Well, we were finally able to get out so he could shoot his new toy. He loved it and he did really well. Thankfully the club was pretty empty so we had one of the skeet fields to ourselves which allowed us to take our time. He's small for his age, so the LOP was still a bit long, but I took the recoil pad off (about 5/8") and it suited him a lot better. He hit a bunch from stations 1 and 7 and he had loads of fun! I'll have it at the gunsmith by dark so my buddy and I can start running 25's together! :D
    Clay, britx303, Mick6R and 2 others like this.
  14. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    Thanks guys.

    Good on you @eggfooyoung !!!

    Maybe look into steel challenge matches near you. They look fun. I’m gonna try them.
    redtailracing likes this.
  15. Resident Plarp

    Resident Plarp drittsekkmanufacturing.com

    Most best.

    You had two expensive hobbies from which to choose: motorbike racism or shotgunnery. You chose the more expensive one. Well done!
  16. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Can confirm SOLGW is well regarded outside of San Antonio. They get a lot of shit for their rather eccentric owner. But even people who shit on them generally acknowledge it has nothing to do with their quality. Very much in the BCM/Geissele realm of ARs.
  17. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Most agree with this except for the higher end stuff. Stay away from it if it’s not going in a gun it was designed for. Sionics NP3 is about as high as you want to jump for mix and match. KAC E3.2 (the bolt that comes in the sandcutter), for example, has tapered lugs that will cause uneven wear patterns in a standard chamber. You basically need either a KAC, Centurion, or custom barrel to run it correctly. The LMT eBCG I believe has an altered cam path to delay the bolt release and is tuned to work with a specific gas and buffer system. Their standard M16 milspec BCG is actually preferable for most people (and half the cost to boot). Gucci stuff for sure but you’re unlikely to see the real benefits of these things outside their intended systems and may even see worse performance.
  18. gt#179

    gt#179 Dirt Dork

    for sure true as you get into the odd stuff above "mil-spec"- as mentioned the KAC bolt only works with their barrel extensions (or something like that). the bolt carrier is more universal. LMT E bolt is universal but the enhanced carrier was specifically designed for their 14.5" carbine gas barrel (or other heavily overgassed systems), etc. etc. etc.

    IMHO hard to go wrong with Sonics NP3, Microbest chrome with OCKS screws, SOLGW whatever flavor of the day, etc.
    redtailracing likes this.
  19. DmanSlam

    DmanSlam Well-Known Member

    It's time to add a revolver to my collection. Looking at a few different s&w revolvers. What's everyone's opinion on the following:

    44 magnum

    Just starting to look into these. A to-do task is to research which model lends itself to a better reload setup.

    Availability of ammo for each caliber?

    Best barrel length for CCW vs intensity of recoil? Looking at 3" to 5" barrels. How short is too short?

    Test driving would answer some of my questions but my few local shooting ranges don't have revolvers for rent.
  20. lizard84

    lizard84 My “fuck it” list is lengthy

    I’ve had all three. .357 is by far the most economical to shoot, .460 large frame, mine had a 7.5 barrel which is appreciated considering the firepower. Absolutely a hoot to shoot, few firearms clear the shooting line quicker than a .460 or .500, the concussion is glorious.

    My favorite though has to be the .44 mag.
    DmanSlam and RonR like this.

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