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I need a new handgun...lets talk guns today. :D

Discussion in 'General' started by Kris87, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. GixxerJohn011

    GixxerJohn011 Well-Known Member

    Now that you’ve come to the dark side just order enough Holosuns to go around :D
    Definitely try the 507 Comp on the race guns. I don’t care for eleventy billion reticles but I like the big window. I was going to put an SRO on the steel frame but listening to guys that have shot them for years they seem to break easier lately and they never were known to be the toughest anyway.
    I see the PCC guys with some really neat offset mounts but if you could keep it low enough I think the piggyback would be more practical in a SHTF situation for me.
  2. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    If you go this route, I'm interested in your impressions of the trigger and performance before and after.
    GixxerJohn011 likes this.
  3. GixxerJohn011

    GixxerJohn011 Well-Known Member

    :crackup:It usually doesn’t take long to figure out if you’ve got a good one or not. It goes against all of my intuition but the best ones I’ve found have shit EVERYWHERE but they know where every single part is and what it goes to.
  4. GixxerJohn011

    GixxerJohn011 Well-Known Member

    Damn! That was a steal.
  5. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    For shorter AR’s this is a great sight.
  6. xrated

    xrated Well-Known Member

    I guess he was good enough. He couldn't....or maybe wouldn't spend enough time looking for the part, so he just removed the two pieces and machined a new one for the gun and then told me how much better the steel that he used was..vs...what was in it. Then to my surprise, he told me that he had removed the other firing pin and machined a new one for that one too........same price he quoted me over the phone for both of them. I put quite a few more rounds through that gun before I got rid of it and never had an issue.
  7. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Well I think I’m finally done Black Friday shopping. My bank account is pissed. And all but one thing is gun/tactical stuff. The haul this year includes:

    Specialized Stumpjumper Evo Ltd (the one non-gun/tactical purchase)
    Beretta 92XI SAO Corsa
    Trijicon RCR
    Ainpoint Acro P2
    Holosun 407K
    Surefire DS-SR07 tapeswitch & dual mode tail cap
    2 Duramag steel 30 rd mags
    Barrel chop & P&W service for SCAR 17 w/ D. Wilson
    Knights Armament 2 stage match trigger
    B5 flektarn furniture kit
    Mantis X10 Elite dry fire trainer
    Modlite 18650 body
    Arisaka scout light mount
    Midwest charging handle for Benelli M4
    3 Esstac 7 rd shotgun cards
    Badger ordnance offset RMR plate
    4 Midwest QD swivels

    StaccatoFan and RonR like this.
  8. SteveThompson

    SteveThompson Banned by amafan

    Seems like the gun folks are all in this thread, sooooooo…

    I need to sell some guns. We’ve downsized to a small apartment and stuff has to go. Usually I sell at the gun show. I just walk around and sell things to either dealers or other attendees and pay a dealer to do the transfer (on handguns). There are no shows soon, so I need another option. I looked at listing on Gunbroker but it seems painful. Has anyone sold on Armslist? Any other ideas?
  9. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    List what you have and prices on here.

    I've bought from here EZ. Seller ships to FFL and they do the transfer.
    DmanSlam and sanee like this.
  10. RonR

    RonR Well-Known Member

    I’ve also bought from a member on here.
    DmanSlam likes this.
  11. redtailracing

    redtailracing gone tuna fishin'

    Search for a local gun owners forum with a classifieds section. For example I’m in middle Tennessee and on a forum called Tennessee Gun Owners. Literally found it with a Google search one day. Done a fair amount of business on there.
  12. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Yeah, share the list privately with prices.
  13. SteveThompson

    SteveThompson Banned by amafan

    Ohhhh. Thank you. I found a very active forum.

    For the folks on here. Here’s a list for now.
    -Springfield XD40, stainless, full set
    -Replica Colt Walker, full set, box, loading supplies
    -AMT Automag III, Box, only fired a few times
    -CVA hunting muzzle loader, Bushnell scope

    I’ll agree to any reasonable price. The completed listings at gunbroker are what I’ve used in the past.

    I also have a bayonet from an M1 if that interests anyone.
  14. dazo

    dazo Well-Known Member

    Just competed in an outlaw match on Tuesday and placed 8th out of 56 overall and 5th out of 20 in carry optics on Stage 1.
    Stage 2 did not go as well, I took about 10 seconds to clear a malfunction and wound up 39 out of 56.
    Ended up 19th for the whole match, so I am pretty happy about that.
  15. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

  16. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    I don't know about silencers, but with it jamming repeatedly, I don't think I'd buy the same pistol that he used. Whichever it turns out to be.

    Or I'd clean it if I did buy the same one.

    Or buy better ammo.
    brex likes this.
  17. MGM

    MGM Well-Known Member

    I’d be willing to bet the can was homemade and didn’t have a booster system=malfunctions.
    dobr24 likes this.
  18. gt#179

    gt#179 Dirt Dork

    This. Plus my guess is he had practiced with it as he didn't seem that concerned when the next round didn't chamber. most people would look at the side of the gun when it doesn't go bang and wonder what happened. He shot, racked the slide, shot, racked the slide, then walked off.
    sanee likes this.
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    Well, you gotta figure the gun he used was probably one he found in one of the many lakes, rivers and streams where all those poor boating accidents occurred…
  20. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    Either the can was home made, or the booster was removed intentionally, and sub-sonic ammo wouldn't cycle.
    Based on the video, the shooter appears to know that that would happen and doesn't appear to panic about it.

    Similar to fully closing the gas port on an AR-styled rifle. Shoots, but doesn't cycle.

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