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I need a new handgun...lets talk guns today. :D

Discussion in 'General' started by Kris87, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    Gorilla George likes this.
  2. Haha imagine me bailing off in there and turning the wrong way :crackup:
  3. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I'm talking about the time you used someone as a berm (Remember the first time I used Broome as a verb?). Now we know that you just couldn't see where the fuck you were going.
  4. :crackup:

    I rain iron sights forever before I started using dots.

    Sorta like learning to blip the throttle on downshifts with no Slipper Clutch, and clutched upshifting without a Quickshifter.

    I wanted to be good with the basic shit before relying on anything else.

    But I probably could use a larger dot now.

    I always see people saying they prefer a 6MOA for handguns (especially EDC’s) for quicker dot acquisition.

    But I could never use one. My vision was so blurry that even a 3MOA dot covered the whole target at any distance to speak of.
  5. Ohhhhh :crackup:

    Shit I should have used that as an excuse. :D
  6. Do they make glasses that are nothing at the bottom, like just glass?

    I can see fine right in front of me. The glasses correct my shit vision far away. But I have to take them off to look at my phone, computer, etc. It gets aggravating.

    So is there a such thing where they fix the far away vision, but at the bottom they are just plain glass, so I can see in front of me without taking them off?
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Sounds like you need reverse bifocals.
  8. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    You need Bi-Focals
  9. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    If you're over 40....bifocals become a bit of a reality, and suddenly.
  10. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Well, he says he needs plain glass on the bottom. Is that technically bifocals? That's why I invented reverse bifocals.
    The man thinks he has perfect vision up close. Clearly, he's only been carrying the largest phones on the market because they are trendy. Not because he can't see shit on a regular screen that fits in a pocket.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  11. Mechdziner714

    Mechdziner714 More Gas Less Brakes


    haha been that way for me since I was 6. I was most impressed with the green blobs on the side of the road that are now these intricate beautiful trees with leaves and branches n shit.
    Gorilla George and Motofun352 like this.
  12. DaveB

    DaveB Just Riding Around

    Nah, he rode ok. 2014 GNF (maybe his eyes were a little better then) I chased him to my personal best lap in F1. But then again, maybe that's why he missed the apex on the right hander after the back straight that let me get the drive on him and beat him. LOL
    Gorilla George and pickled egg like this.
  13. Steak Travis

    Steak Travis Well-Known Member

    Fantastic couple of pages to read through
  14. Fucker. You had to remind me. :mad:

    DaveB likes this.
  15. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised, with your astigmatism, that red dots aren't "red stars".

    For your AR, I'd suggest you try out a 1x prism optic. I've heard many people, with astigmatism, say that prism optics were a game changer for their target acquisition speed.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  16. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    I need readers to improve close up sight. Still 20/20 at distance. These have magnifiers at the top and clear glass at the bottom. When you shoot pistol you can see the sight clearly but the target is fuzzy with these. I would give them a call and see what they say. Great folks to deal with.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  17. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    Sighting this little toy in this weekend. CETME L in .556 with a Monstrum LVPO 1-8 on it. Love my roller locks! Still have to cut down and paint the riser but that's easy. Think I'm going to try the 36 yard zero. Anyone have any pros or cons to this method? Supposed to reduce the amount of range up and down up to 325 yards. Will shoot 3/4" low at 100 yards but tha'ts an easy correction.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  18. They were basically a big fuzzy ball that covered the whole target at anything past about 10 yards (even with 3MOA “dots”). But now that I think about it, they kinda did look like stars.

    Prism optics, good call. I’ll check those out. :beer:

    It’s funny how you just get used to it and don’t know what you don’t know. It was crazy the first time I went to the gym with glasses. If anyone was more than 10’ away, I couldn’t make out their face. I could see someone was there, but I couldn’t tell you which way they were looking or if they were smiling or not.

    But I never cared because I don’t talk to or like people anyway. So it wasn’t a thing.

    Now I can make out faces all the way on the other end of the basketball court.
  19. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    I like the primary arms slx 3x that I picked up awhile back. Heading to the new place now to get the grass cut and test out another “never-been shot” ar that has that optic mounted. It was only after I got that slx, that I realized I may have astigmatism too. It’s just so clear and easier to pickup objects, at least dry working. Now off to live work:flag:
  20. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    The SLX are really nice. I have 3 of them. I'm starting to go LPVO because the dots get fuzzy and with a magnifier it's worse. I have been slowly switching to the green optics as they are no issue with astigmatism. The LPVO works like a the best parts of a red dot and magnifier combo only they have cross hairs instead of dots. I feel like a 1-6 is a great option. The one one my CETME above is 1-8 as I was hoping to reach out a little farther with it.

    For those who are not familiar with LPVO the acronym stands for Low Power Variable Optic. They have a very good field of vision. I've found the Monstrum brand to be very clear and a reasonable option even when compared to a red dot.
    britx303 likes this.

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