People thought Sharknado was a worst fear, or Cocaine bear. Pfft... Cocaine Sharknado. A bunch of 25yo finance bro sharks hopped up on Columbian Energy Powder. Now thats scary.
To round out the trilogy, Escobars Hippos...
Cocaine Bears chase the hot girls from the forest to the river. They think they are safe but then Cocaine Hippos attack, now moistened and sheer, they escape down river to the open ocean. That's when the Cocaine Sharknado attacks. The girls have made a wardrobe change into bikinis 2 sizes 2 small. Let me know when I can collect my Oscar.
I don’t know man. I think Smokey will sh@t all of ver Peter Potomus. Hippo has one main gun and coc-bear is being teeth and claws.. Unless the fight is in water. Then the fire is out for Smokey.
I guess we need to add whales to the list now. (though not about cocaine I still found it interesting)