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Hey, it's some day, maybe Friday! What ya listening to? Screw you IYC.

Discussion in 'General' started by Dits, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. motoboy

    motoboy Well-Known Member

    It's Snowpocalypse 2025 here in SC.

    For some reason, I always listen to Peter Gabriel "We Do What We're Told" and "Excellent Birds" when it's snowing. The hyper-compressed dry sound of those just seem to match snowy weather.
    CBRRRRR999 and ton like this.
  2. sharkattack

    sharkattack @MadMaxDog46 - The Mad Chiweenie!

    (Chip voice):
    I wonder if any of deez uvver sockcuckers knows who I am. Double gunz!”
    ToofPic likes this.
  3. ton

    ton Arf!

    Gabriel is in my top 5
  4. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Its a sad week for Jim fans. That sock cucker didnt re-sign with Sirius XM :( I guess he will sit home and listen to lamar help his mom hang pictures in her bedroom . or drive
    around in his lambur-gelly
  5. sharkattack

    sharkattack @MadMaxDog46 - The Mad Chiweenie!

    He didn’t sign? Admittedly, I’ve been a casual listener to Jim & Sam; it’s just not the same as when Ant & Jim ran the show.
    For all his flaws, Ant (along with Jim) made the old O&A show the best.
    ToofPic likes this.
  6. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Yea..Jim married this trans thing from Norway,and I believe they are gonna try and make a show work they have together.Its called Sword Fight :Puke::rolleyes: with Niki and Jim
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
    sharkattack likes this.
  7. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    I don't know who any of these people are.
    tl1098 likes this.
  8. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Jims from original Opie & Anthony show,think Howard Stern,but better.They all got fired for a prank gone wrong.

    Chip Chipperson is a character he plays on youtube.Not for erryone,but funny to some/me

    Jim and Sam show on Sirius Xm ,but didnt re-sign/low balled
    Now Jim is doing a fruity show with "it"

    Jim Norton is also a stand up comedian
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Set up a simple 2 channel stereo in the basement and just grabbed random CDs to play. Reached in the boxes and whatever I grabbed I played at least a song, most I played the entire CD. Anyways. . .

    Matthew Sweet - the Girlfriend CD.
    Peter Searcy - Could you Please CD.
    AC/DC - Back in Black
    Bad Religion - Against the Grain.
    Big Drill Car - Batch
    CBRRRRR999 likes this.
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    Ballroom Blitz.

    Not the Krokus remake.

    The real one.

    It’s fucking Sweet. :D
    CBRRRRR999 likes this.
  11. CBRRRRR999

    CBRRRRR999 Well-Known Member

    Amyl and the Sniffers for the wifey.

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