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GNF Endurance Proposal... (for those that don't ever visit the Endurance Forum)

Discussion in 'General' started by couch, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Dave_SV

    Dave_SV Well-Known Member

    Yeah dude in all seriousness the WERA website could use some love.

    Like others have suggested, make a special tab or something at the top for 'new racers' which explains the license process, the 2 weekends without crashing, possibly some links to the BBS for general safety wire and other basics, links to orgs that offer WERA race schools, etc.

    Someone else mentioned some of the links are way out of date. The 'schedule' tab has links to the '2009 season' and the GNF schedule is from 2010. The layout is pretty basic but I like that but that's more of a personal thing.

    Back on point, that's an awesome offer from TOBC. Maybe I will finally put that SV endurance team together my friends and I have been talking about for years :)
  2. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    This thread suggested something very admirable from John. For that, thank you John for your offer. Very nice thought :beer:

    Although a lot of good ideas, thoughts and suggestions have been made in this thread... I'm ready for it to go away. A lot of it has turned into something ugly.
    Like a dummy I keep coming back to it, reading to see if there's been a positive change. Guess I need to just stay away.

    I know this... I'm met a lot of you at the track and have made some good friends. Reading this thread is like watching my parents fight and I stopped enjoying that a few decades ago.
    Knock it off or I'm going to send you all to bed without dinner :Poke:

  3. Mblashfield

    Mblashfield Well-Known Member

    You're one of the most courageous people I've ever met. I am amazed at how you subject yourself to this day in and day out. If I had to listen to a bunch of jackasses tell me how to run my business for 10 hours a day id go insane.
  4. Mblashfield

    Mblashfield Well-Known Member

    Offering someone business advice on THEIR open forum by itself is extremely rude, presumptuous and unprofessional. Getting chapped when the bullshit you're shoveling isn't accepted and/or implemented makes you a jackass.
  5. Wheel Bearing

    Wheel Bearing Professional low sider

    Looking back, yeah, I could have waited to reply instead of typing up a knee jerk reaction. But it's already been said, and I'm not going to be a spineless person and edit my shit and be a backpeddler. A shitty response, definitely, but I still stand behind my point. It definitely could have been cleaned up. No worries to anyone at WERA, I talk like that (And get it back) nearly everyday being in the Marine Corps. :Poke: But you're right, it's not an excuse. Moving on...

    Getting told how to run your business is not exactly new. There's a multitude of reasons why "the customer is always right". In this case, it's because racers have a choice of 3 different race orgs they can choose to run with. There's a fine line between being receptive of criticizing responses and making the changes accordingly, and standing your ground and sticking with what you believe.

    I realize many have been long time WERA racers, and there's a strong friendship with the organization. However, I'd venture to say that there is also many that have zero emotional connection to WERA (Like myself). Wouldn't bother me a bit to sell my over priced lap timer and go with CCS or whatever.

    Would I single handedly affect WERA? No. Of course not. But there's new racers coming on the scene all the time. And if they happen to ask me, or read the multitude of forums I'm on why I chose CCS, I could have very well influenced them. And you take guys like me times however many there are. And it grows from there, and the grids get smaller and smaller. Then the remaining people decide to bail because there's 3 damn people on the grid.

    I ain't trying to say WERA (Or any other business) should bend over backwards all the time for every single one of their customers, but there is a certain degree of bullshit you have to put up with from 'tardo's such as myself before you start jeopardizing your customer base. Lots of dummies out there. Lots of dummies out there with money, and at the end of the day, money is money.

    One thing I can say with 1000% certainty of WERA is the helpfulness of the ladies that run registration and everything else. They are all the nicest people I've ever met at the track, and have always ensured they fixed me up to make sure I was able to get on the grid. I have no doubt they deal with more pissed off customers than Sean does, and yet they keep on smiling doing what they do best. I haven't been here as long as others, but I do know most of the important people and their usernames, and those that responded to me. But I call it like I see it, both good and bad.

    WERA does a lot of good, but there's a lot they could change to go from good to great.
  6. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    One must wear the appropriate outfit for a post like that.

  7. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    Blashfield is pinch hitting.
  8. ghetto customs

    ghetto customs Who's that Parrish guy?

    I and the team I ride for just wants to race.. so somebody pleade make it fun and profitable for everyone!
  9. t11ravis

    t11ravis huge carbon footprint

    How awesome would it be if CCS,WERA and CMRA got together and combined their endurance series into 1 big national schedule? Or even had a few CCS vs. WERA team races or something like that...

    I'm totally making this up but hey, it's the intranet, I'm allowed to dream right? :beer:
  10. Cajun Kid

    Cajun Kid Well-Known Member

    Sprint Races too. Grudge match style, braging rights. Would be a huge event. Once a year deal in November at a track like Barber..... Or Road A....
  11. K Kling

    K Kling Well-Known Member

    Isn't that what the AMA Road Racing Grand National Championships are for this weekend at VIR? Any current race license is honored from the various organizations around the country. All you need is a current AMA membership and your big boy pants. :D
  12. That would be awesome!

    I would have to think the turnout for such an event would be epic. Especially if it was planned/promoted like a year in advance.

    WERA vs CCS showdown at Barber. Endurance and Sprints.

    It could be setup so it would count as a Regional race for each series. So people would still be inclined to go. There would be points awarded for your respective series. But the points would also be tallied up to decide a champion between the two orgs.

    It would be a cool way to race against a bunch of different people and it would be more exciting because we would be trying to win for ourselves, but also trying to do our part to support "Team WERA".
  13. K Kling

    K Kling Well-Known Member

    Of course, now we can start talking about how their marketing of this event is terrible also, and start giving them recommendations. A lot of people didn't even know it was going on....
  14. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    THAT would be bad ass!!!!

    I say at RA. Oh oh or even better Daytona!!
  15. t11ravis

    t11ravis huge carbon footprint


    I'll admit that I really don't understand what that AMA thing is.
  16. No. Because then we would have to hear from all of the LW guys about how the guy on the Bimota is not respected and is just buying Team CCS points. :crackup:
  17. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

    That makes two of us. I thought AMA only recognizes Twins. Like at the VMA's... But really I have no clue.

    Cheatin bastards!!! I know that Jesse's bike (maybe prior to kaboom) had over 100hp as a LW. Think it was a 1100 Hyper motor in a 848 frame. BEAUTIFUL bike and badass. One of the most desirable bikes I have ever laid eyes on. Hell just to ride once if nothing else.

    That bike would give the Bimotas a run for their money.
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    I LOVE the concept. But, no matter where it's held it will be somebody's 'home track'.
  19. Unless it is held at Jennings or Roebling. CCS goes to both of those tracks.

    Doesnt CCS go to VIR also?
  20. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Chris, you seem to have forgotten that CMRA was included in the proposal.

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