Gas for $1.99 a gallon around here.

Discussion in 'General' started by eggfooyoung, Oct 27, 2008.

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  1. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    wilco/hess station up the street has it for 1.69, 1.79, 1.89.
  2. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Diesel for $2.45 near Rock Hill SC tonight.
  3. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    what you doing up near RH tonite?
  4. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    There are actually 2 Rock Hills in SC.
  5. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I jad to return CR's truck, and Jenn's dirtbike. They let me borrow them for a couple of weeks.
  6. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Rick, have you been drinking again? It's called double vision. It's a sign that you've had enough.
  7. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Nope. According to Garmin Mapsource, there is a Rock Hill not far from you on 215 near the Monticello Reservoir. Not much more than a crossroads as far as I can tell, but it's still there. It's between Fish Hook Road and Glen's Bridge Road.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2008
  8. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    next time i need directions im using rickquest!:beer:
  9. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Freaked me out when I was setting up a route for my wife to get to the better known Rock Hill on the Garmin. Then I figured hey, it's SC. Why should I be surprised?
  10. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member

    Woo hoo!!! We finally hit $1.99 for regular (it was $2.05 yesterday). Just in time to fill up for a trip to my sister's house for T-day. :up:
  11. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    I filled up for $36 last night. $1.71 per gallon. I hope the downward trend continues.
  12. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

    IA filled my car today for $18 and change...11 gallons for $18. Awesome...never thought I'd see that again.

    Long live the crappy economy!
  13. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Looks like the gas of price seems to be good for alot of us but I'm sure I am not the only one that thinks her 401K suck ass :down:
  14. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Flying J - Carlisle PA - $1.64, $1.74, $1.84. Diesel $2.65.
  15. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!


    "Hey, my 401k lost $20,000 but at least gas is only $1.69!" :D
  16. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Rate of return is -52% this year.
  17. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    I don't need my 401K right now. :D hehe
  18. G Dawg

    G Dawg Broken Member

    I don't think so. Oil prices are starting to rise, be it ever so slightly.
    My bet is by Dec 1st, they start to go up.
  19. Racer45

    Racer45 old guy just tryin'

    There was some stations here doing the good old price battle for $0.99!!!
  20. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Not sure it will happen that soon. The price you're seeing now is for January delivery. On Friday, it was at a 3.5 yr low at $48.25.
    Demand is still on the decline and until there is a significant shift in supply/demand, I don't suspect seeing changes of any magnitude in the next few weeks. Next supply/demand report is expected mid December. There could be some increased demand as colder weather increases home heating oil use. Some experts are saying it could bottom out around $30-$35 per barrel next year and OPEC cuts could take up to a year before prices are stabilized. Don't think there is a need to fill up those 55 gal barrels just yet.
    Then again, I know nothing about nothing, so, take this all with a grain of salt.
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