No you didn't. You actually said little. A common tactic, it could be said. With the usual, personal attack, "you are crazy" and word definition "what is income." Speaking of what was said or not said. I opened the thread (included in the title) about the Flat/Fair Tax being back up for discussion. I don't recall specifically speaking to any expectation that it would be passed. I do remain hopeful that we can have an honest discussion on the subject and transition from the current system. A system that is flawed. Say someting, expand on your objection. You can do better than "you are crazy."
I am certainly not smart enough to know what is best but from a laymans perspective, this just reeks of a way to let the wealthy to pay less.
How about attack corporate welfare leaches before either welfare or SS. That starts with an adjustment of what defines income. You could never touch the rate structure and make vast improvements to the tax system. As far as spending goes, military reductions are needed but not on the scale PED proposes, but certainly a 10% cut to start with an eye toward a stepped reduction over time so we end up at say a 40% cut of current levels. As far as aggression from from others, we may find ourselves with fewer problems if we aim to be less aggressive toward others. Funny how that works.
If someone makes 1/10th of what you do, should they only have to pay $5 per race at a WERA event? Should they only have to pay $40 for a new set of tires? Then why should taxes be more for someone who makes more?
There rich should pay more simply because I am not one of them. If you want me to support them paying less, make me rich. My interests are what matters to me. :up:
the simple answer is they have to. as I have shown taxes that are enough to pay even half the expenditures will be well over 50% of the average income. all this talk about a flat tax is code speak for a tax hike on sub-Trump level people
Lizard, having the desire, or wish, to be less aggressive and having it work is something that a lot of us have thought about. It might work but it also might not. If we cut our ability to defend ourselves, become less aggressive and it doesn't work, then there we are, weak, helpless, and under the gun so to speak. We are now, and pretty well always have been, the big dog on the block and there are many countries out there that would get their rocks off if we fell. That is their dream and that is the world that we live in. I want to see us always have a strong military that is powerful enough to crush anyone that brings trouble to us.
We could spend a lot less money and still be able to crush opponents when attacked. It isn't even the right term, at our level of spending it's not defence spending, it's spending to impress our will with might anywhere in the world at anytime and it hasn't fostered much good will. We will never make much headway toward reducing our money problems without reducing military spending, period.
I a actually agree with your first paragraph. The only real issue I see goes back to the fact that we're afraid to use it. We've spent all the time and money to develop the greatest hot rod EVER, but we refuse to take it out of the garage for fear the neighbors won't like it. Heck, we fear we won't like it.
You are right with the corporate welfare.... Corporate welfare should be abolished, and businesses should have to "sink or swim", as free trade and a true capitalist system would dictate... Unfortunately, we have move away from a purely capitalist system to this half @$$ socialist crap of subsidizing companies...
Taxes are a little different than goods. But if you really want to look at it that way, our system already does that by subsidizing the poor with all of the social programs.... Because I make a bit above the magic number they call the poverty line, I don't get any financial help with my groceries, or cell phone bills, rent, etc... But someone making 50% of what I make gets all of these things almost free. In the spirit of compassion, a percentage based tax would help the poor and middle class without being unfair to the rich. Our current system is so screwed, it's unfair to everyone that isn't below the poverty line. I agree with most of the suggestions in this thread, limiting military spending to what is actually needed ( no million dollar grants to study weight loss in rats, or other crazy crap), cutting corporate welfare, actually policing the social programs to eliminate waste and fraud, etc.... The tax payers foot the bill for a whole bunch of stuff that really isn't needed, or right.