FL man shoots unarmed kid. Walks home, has a beer.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Steeltoe, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    He lasted 6seconds on my iphone...fuck that loudmouth idito...ain't no one ask him shit, he just spews his crap cuz his dick quit working 20yrs ago...
  2. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    John has the patience of a saint, Britt.

  3. He made a very valid point. Zman stalked Martin and killed him. I'd like to see how a lot of you would have reacted, when you were 17, if some weirdo was following you in a car, and then confronted you. Zman is a punk. You can talk all the legal talk you want. "He had his day in court. Blah blah." There are such things as un-just decisions, and this was one.

    The old man was angry, and justifiably so. I don't see anything crazy about that.
  4. Just watched another video of Angry Grandpa, and since it was about Snowden, and Obama's trip to Africa, I won't post it in here, but lets just say that a lot of the regular Dungeon poster's views align with his on these matters.:D
  5. flamed03r1

    flamed03r1 Well-Known Member

    :crackhead: :rolleyes:
  6. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Is this a serious question? Do you not watch any news at all? Jeez. :wow:
  7. flamed03r1

    flamed03r1 Well-Known Member

    I think that's the problem, it sounds like none of the Zimmerman haters took the time to watch news or read reports that are accurate. They seem to be much more comfortable with going with what someone else tells them to think.

    Like, ah, you know...facebook and shit :rolleyes:
  8. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

  9. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Stalked? Did he pull a page from Jesse "The Moron" Ventura anad go "hunting man"? :rolleyes:

    And the fucking retard has no justification for being angry, other than that's his schtick to get his fifteen nanoseconds of internet infamy. :moon:
  10. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    Ya, there's some dumb asses out there for sure. This girl I know on FB recently informed me that there wasn't a hispanic lady on the jury and that Zimmerman shouldn't have been able to use the stand your ground defense. I'm like damn, really? You're this worked up about this shit and you don't even seem know some basic facts about the case? I'm telling her yes, there was a 30 something hispanic lady on the jury and that Z-man didn't use the stand your ground defense and she told me I didn't know what I was talking about...:confused:
  11. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    It was 100 yards (actually 348') to his Dads GF's House.....he could have ran straight home and still been alive, No Legal talk..just a fact...IF he would have RAN HOME, He would still be alive, Insted he decided to Punch a guy with a gun in the face and pound his head into the ground..he got shot.

    If the verdict would have went the other way, you and people like you wouldn't care the FACTS said the Jury was WRONG, Insted you want to say the JURY was WRONG because they got the FACTS RIGHT.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2013
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Just to be clear, I wasn't talking about their behavior. :D
    I know they were raised right.
  13. As a responsible gun owner, it's your responsibility to do everything in your power to avoid confrontation. Following a young man who was doing nothing wrong, in your car, and then getting out and confronting him is the opposite of this.

    As a neighborhood watchman, your job is to observe, and call the cops if you believe you observe something shady. Again, what Z did was the opposite of this. Plus, to this day, no one has come close to proving that Martin was doing anything shady that night.
  14. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    You were not there...therefore you are going on 3rd hand information at best...:D

    Composure is not my thing...if you are stupid, I may lash out irrationally.;)
  15. And if Z-Man was a responsible gun owner, and doing his neighborhood watch job the correct way, Martin would still be alive as well.

    Britt, from your posts on here I have a hard time believing that at age 17, you would have ran away, if some weirdo was following you around in their car, and then got out and confronted you.
  16. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    Had Martin not decided to use physical force he would be alive. Christ, any of the kids in my neighborhood would have just said "I'm going to my dads house." or told Z-man to mind his own business. I can't think of one that would have thought it would be OK to kick anybody's ass over this. I guess some sure have a different thought process...
  17. BTW, when I say that it was an un-just decision, the Jury are the ones that I blame the least. The ones I blame the most are the Police, who should have done a more thorough initial investigation, and the Florida laws, which allow a gun owner to provoke an incident on public property and then kill someone.
  18. I agree, that most likely, that is true, but that doesn't mean that Z-Man was justified in killing him.
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Where do you get your definitions of what anyone's "responsibilities" and "job" entail? :confused:
  20. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    So Martin can get nervous about somebody watching him and try and kick his ass but Zimmerman can't defend himself? Really? What the?

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