Exploding Deer at Summit

Discussion in 'General' started by rus23, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

    Damn, I hate deer. There needs to be a 365 day hunting season for deer.
    Trapping included.
  2. Rem6a

    Rem6a WCR Racer

    That is totally not the turn to see a deer. So glad you guys are okay (for the most part).
    A guy tried to sue summit point a while back after taking out a deer into t-1 on the gas. Lou went through the deer and it broke both his arms back to the elbows. He got back on a bike again, but it was two years later.

    Great video and +1 for 10’ fence around the property. Or bean bag 12 gauge rounds for corner workers.
  3. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    that vide0 is crazy :wow:. get well soon.

    also to everyone that helped load up his stuff, i helped suburban rancher, along with a few others get his trailer packed. great teamwork in the paddock :)

    this one was spotted at near the end of lunch. corner workers were aware there was one running around, but he crossed to the outside of the straight, and wasnt seen again before races started. there must have been another because this one couldnt have got to the infield again
  4. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    Thank god the deer fell right before impact or it would have been a much more devastating hit to the riders face/head
  5. Wingnut

    Wingnut Well-Known Member


    Glad to hear the rider is going to be A-ok.

    Seeing this video brought back memories.......The last time I raced at Summit Point (1997) I had a bad crash in that exact same spot. Then off to Winchester in the ambulance, get my arm casts on then trying to teach my girlfriend how to drive stick shift all the way back to North Jersey. That was the fun part..........
  6. Slick228

    Slick228 I dropped oil there, too.

    Kov, good to meet you this weekend. If you got any good action shots of us cornerworkers, we'd love for you to share them.

    I was working in T5 with my brother and Lori K when I saw Tim and his bike come sliding into view. I didn't know what happened to cause it, but all I knew is that we needed an ambulance for him.

    All of us in the MARRC Safety Crew are glad that Tim's injuries weren't any more severe and it was good to see him awake shortly after the incident talking to the EMS folks and answering questions.

    To everyone else, we know Summit is infamous for wildlife. If it were up to us, we would take any measure necessary to eliminate outside variables, such as deer & other wildlife, from entering any equation of practices or races. Sometimes, some things are just outside of our control.
  7. JustinCase

    JustinCase I Forget

    We were at a motocross race this weekend and were tooling around in some trails behind the track. We startled a deer on one of the trails and he jumped the barbed wire fence he was standing next to. The fence was only about 4' tall, but the deer jumped at least 12' in the air. He would have cleared a 10" fence easily.
  8. HMEN

    HMEN Well-Known Member

  9. russomf

    russomf Well-Known Member

    I feel you pain this is the reason my wife drives a stick like I do, no need to do any training if/when the time comes. She knew she had to learn after my 1st crash i was fortunate and able to drive home. we started training the next day.
  10. kaoyagi

    kaoyagi Well-Known Member

    A little off topic but...

    To all the MARRC workers that keep the track safe for us, Thank you. Especially to the CW that is seen at the end of the video hauling ass, running across the track to get to Tim, while bikes are still on track. Thank you!
  11. tzrboy

    tzrboy Working hard to play harder!

    Heal up dude!!!

    JP- showed the vid to the peeps here at the Monkey..... you got a motocross career ahead for you now as well...

    "The DeerJumper"...coming to a theater near you- better call DeNiro:D

    Great riding too... even if it was Manotti's GreenPea
  12. Slick228

    Slick228 I dropped oil there, too.

    Like I said, we do everything in our powers to keep the track safe.

    That was me in the video running to Tim. I had a good sight line up the chute and knew I could cross the track safely. Plus, at that point, Control had just called for the red flag. Approaching Tim, I expected the worst, but was utterly relieved to see him awake and answering questions with the EMS folks just moments later.

    Get well soon, Tim!!
  13. joec

    joec brace yourself

    you dont get the needed attention much faster than that! you guys rock.

    oh yeah, we were the vintage crew pitted nearby. i saw mannotti sneak up, take a mysterious unmarked bag, soon after the crash, and put it onto his trunk. hmmm......wondering what exactly that was. maybe a nice cutlet for the misses for later in the evening?? then he very unobtrusively, in a non mannotti way, left.

    haha. cannoli....when you making the return???
  14. Luta

    Luta Member

    I ride the track to get away from obsticles like this, wtf? I hope the rider makes a quick recovery
  15. CR750

    CR750 Well-Known Member

    Holy Fin shit. I have hit two deer street riding, they leave a mark. I am putting a frickin deer whistle on my race bikes. Glad both of you made it out OK, was your bike covered in deer shit? Since the last deer hit on Lolo Pass in Montana I always find time to go hunting (kill bambi!).
  16. GoodKnight

    GoodKnight Well-Known Member

    ouch! hope he heals up soon...

    thanks for posting the vid.
  17. rwmystery

    rwmystery Active Member

    Yikes, that vid was extreme. Hope he made it out alright!

    YZROOSTINYA Well-Known Member

    "LIVE" - was high res enough for myself

    Glad to hear Tim is going to be OK. His bikes was pretty tweaked when I looked at it.
  19. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Wow, that was a fast crash. It's hard to comprehend going down while going that quick.

    Glad everybody is relatively alright.

    p.s. Is that track as fun as it looks? :D
  20. joec

    joec brace yourself

    summit rocks.

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