Exploding Deer at Summit

Discussion in 'General' started by rus23, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. bus

    bus Monkey with a football

    Charles, Summit Point Zombies are the slow moving type. Nothing to worry about. Its the fast movers like they have at VIR that are cause for concern. Those rotting bastards will jump right out in front of you. As for the deer violating Chumbucket alluded to, that was never proven.
  2. charles

    charles The Transporter

    I heard the VIR Zombies were slick, I hope Mongo has some sort of action plan, because jumpin' out in front of us isn't fair.

    Chummie said he has documentary film to prove this here deer thang you guys got going.
  3. JustinCase

    JustinCase I Forget

    Don't the zombies feed on the deer? If we can eradicate the deer, the zombies will just leave. That seems like the simple solution.
  4. bus

    bus Monkey with a football

    Mongo is currently reviewing my zombie defense plan for VIR which includes issuing each corner worker a shotgun, chainsaw and cricket bat.

    I've seen the video Chummie is referring to. There is no conclusive proof. It looks like sasquatch boarhogging a deer. It could be anybody.
  5. bus

    bus Monkey with a football

    Justin, that would make zombie deer. That would be bad. Very bad.
  6. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    I love this, he even tries to look convincing when he says it...
  7. charles

    charles The Transporter

    I read that too...I just hope someday he is able to understand the gravity of his actions...post that video and let everyone decide for themselves.

    We need to focus on the defense strategies for anticipated Zombie attacks.
  8. charles

    charles The Transporter

    May we inquire as to how you know what that looks like?
  9. bus

    bus Monkey with a football

    From other videos in Chummies collection. The guy can find anything on the internets.
  10. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Why don't you truly horrify the class, Maximus Bussius, and post up a couple choice pics from that Halloween party of yours starting with that tart in the Catholic school girl outfit, you degenerate...

    Charles, the gladiator pics are to die for...
  11. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    All I know is this 'zombie problem' better be under control by the nationals.

    Friggin zombies. Probably don't even bother to pay the gate fee.
  12. joec

    joec brace yourself

    as long as they leave the snakes. and the foxes. the foxes explode nicely. turtles leave a mess. those should go too.
  13. bus

    bus Monkey with a football

    There's a couple pictures of you in a bathtub with the "World's Most Normal Man" in that set. Should I share?
  14. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Alright, maybe that wasn't the best idea in the world...
  15. GoodKnight

    GoodKnight Well-Known Member

    So, um...

    Any news on how Tim is doing?
  16. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    As good as can be expected. Spoke with him several times over the weekend, and he's healing the shoulder. There's a hold on surgery for now, which is good news.

    Tim's a very good dude, so any support is much appreciated :up:
  17. racerfranz

    racerfranz All done

    Saw a prairie dog (very small) at Willow Springs once at the exit of turn two just crouched, ready to spring in front of me. Topped out 5 gear or so on a 250. freaky. Thank God he thought better of it.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2010
  18. packfan

    packfan El Presidente

    Maybe I am nuts but it seems a lot more likely that some ill prepared douche blows a motor and makes someone to go down which we see that as an acceptable risk but the possibility of a deer makes it to dangerous? There are some many things out of our control when racing that it is intellectually dishonest to choose one reason as THE reason not to race imho.... (I realize there are a combination of reasons usually but that does not sound as good).

    Racer do 100+ mph next to guy that have never said hello to. I was at Roebling when a guy got caught smoking weed before a race. Unfortunately this sport attracts great people but it also attracts those adrenaline junkies that take more risks while racing which increases the risk to others.

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