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Everyone knows about "Make Noise for Marco", right?

Discussion in 'General' started by Heikes, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. Heikes

    Heikes Well-Known Member


    "A couple of days ago, after I read Paolo Simoncelli (Marco's dad) comment that Marco would rather have a minute of all the MotoGP bikes at Valencia revving their motors than a minute of silence, something occurred to me...

    What if we all did that, all around the world? Something a little less than a minute of silence; say, 58 seconds. And something a lot more (noisy).

    At first, I thought we should all do it at exactly the same time, but the more I thought about it, I realized that 10:30 a.m. in Valencia is the crack of dawn on the west coast of the U.S., and late at night in Japan. And, I liked the idea of people doing it at 10:30 in their own time zone, creating a 'wave' that would begin about 12 hours before the Valencia rev-up, way out in the western Pacific, and end about 12 hours later in Hawaii. We'd literally wave good-bye.

    I wrote a blog post to that effect, and it generated a few hundred extra hits that first day. Then, in the next 24 hours, it generated thousands of hits. Someone coined a hashmark, #MakeNoiseForMarcoSunday, on Twitter. I created a Facebook group with the same name. Now, the question is, can we create a global event in the 3 days (roughly) we have before the official Valencia memorial?

    Wouldn't it be great if, all around the world, motorcyclists stopped what they were doing at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, and revved up their bikes? If they make a video of it, or just want to comment about it, they can do so on the #MakeNoiseForMarcoSunday Facebook group.

    Please help to make it happen! Popularize #MakeNoiseForMarcoSunday on your blog, website, Twitter, bathroom wall,.. anywhere you can. For more information, people can check my blog (www.bikewriter.com) or search #MakeNoiseForMarcoSunday on Facebook.

    I have this idea that Marco -- who had often been a divisive figure in racing, although he was widely popular among fans -- could be a unifying figure in the wider community of motorcyclists.

    Thanks, Mark Gardiner"
  2. BC61

    BC61 Well-Known Member

    Post this in the racing section of www.advrider.com it's a global community
  3. Heikes

    Heikes Well-Known Member

    Thanks BC, it's already on there.

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