Anyone here have experience with the trailer hitch mounted hydraulic lift / frame supported dirt bike haulers? I just left a message on the phone number listed on the website. Their version seems to have the most vertical lift of the several I have found. Asked if they can do a 3" receiver version with a custom height for my truck.
A local club member has one he uses on a passenger vehicle. Its secure and kind of handy to have at a trail head for field repairs.
I've heard that about the XC-type models being decent hybrid-rider bikes from podcasts like Keefer Tested, and I'm definitely not opposed to going that route. MX looks sick to me, but having a flexible platform if I find singletrack riding more my style wouldn't hurt. No SX triples for me. I'm late to the dirt game at 33. The main hobby these days is mountain biking, but I still want a moto of some kind and am leaning towards selling the asphalt bikes and just going full dirt. Regardless of what I get, I plan to get some instruction to help with the learning curve.
XC250/300 and TX250/300 have been on close out for a couple of months now. Still some deals to be had. Currently have a 23 TX300 and a 24 FE501S I bought on close out a couple of months ago. I prefer the TX, it has awesome power and is just more fun for me. That being said, the FE501 is good enough I could be perfectly content with it as an only bike that’s street legal. I prefer the husky’s because they are an inch shorter seat height than the KTMs of the same type. If your inseam is over 32” won’t make a difference. For us with a 29” inseam it does.
I bought my '24 Husky FE 350s for all of the same reasons. The lower seat heights will keep me buying Huskys. I hope to pick up a similarly discounted TE 150 eventually for the tight woods.
I only keep my roadrace bikes because of some obtuse obligation to ride a few trackdays a year with my buddies. Dirt is way less expensive on all points... even racing them. The interesting part of dirt is meeting folks with private land and being granted access to ride when ever you want. I have 7 places to ride within a 100 mile drive from my house...all unique and mtb type fun. There is a core group of 20 local riders/racers of various skill levels ready to ride or travel to ride with minimal notice and no egos. I may hit a vet mx practice every other month which is fun.
I'm looking for a small (xr80/100) bike to get my daughters riding, but used dirt bikes are really hard to find! Other than craigslist and FBM where else is there to look?
Local riding or race series FB pages are usually pretty fruitful and a lot of those guys won't post on FBM or Craigslist. I know I didn't.
Yeah I know that feeling! I bought my grand-daughter a KLX110 two years ago. She did pretty good the first summer, mostly staying in the grass yard and not going out on the trails to much. Last summer she was hesitant to get back on it at all and just wanted to ride her little 4 wheeler that was my son in-laws when he was growing up. I told her I wasn't going to push her into anything she didn't want to do and let it go. This year I had the KLX out at their property but expecting she was going to just ride her 4 wheeler. She totally surprised me by coming out in all her gear and saying she wanted to ride the KLX. We did 10 minutes riding around the grass yard and she said "go out on the trails and I will follow you" Made my Papa heart so happy!
were you looking for runners or small projects? The only clean bikes Ive seen were adult mini racers...
A little project would be OK I guess... I'd rather have the girls playing on it than me wrenching on it though ya know. Kills the fun if its always breaking down.
Hundreds of early 2000’s little Hondas on FB in North Carolina in the $1500-$3000 range brand new 50’s are only $1500
Trying to learn something so bear with me. We have an RMX250 that may need the right side of the engine case replaced (destroyed oil drain). I mentioned to a mechanic friend that I found a right side case on Ebay and I could make a winter project out of the repair. He said you can't simply replace that side because it won't match properly. I had no idea. Just looking for a second opinion.
He’s technically right - you should replace cases as a set. But I bet you could make it work with enough gasket maker if you NEEDED to.
Depends on the brand, some cases come in sets others they are sold individually. Look at the OEM parts fische and see how Suzuki sold them. A good welder can fix the case. If they are a matched set.
Being at Vintage Days got my juices flowing for an Enduro. At first I was thinking WR250R or a DRZ, but a KTM 350 XCF-W has appeared. Anything in particular I should be looking at when I check it out? This one is a 2013 with 3,500 miles. Has recent service.
Color of the oil and condition of the air filter will tell you a good bit. Those are pretty bullet proof and low maintenance, congrats.
Nice... that chassis seems to be a favorite. I would make sure the suspension is fresh. I believe those have the big axle open chamber forks.