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Debt Ceiling Negotiations

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by wsmcrobert, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    I'm running for planning and zoning in 2012 in our little town. Takes about six hours a month on average. I'll give my two years to help out.
  2. povol

    povol Well-Known Member

    Thats exactly why they were elected. The system is broke, new blood was sent to Washington to change things. Give it a couple more election cycles and there will be enough power to constitute change on both sides of the isle.As it stands, they have enough to get attention, once the establishment has been replaced, we can get to the business of reclaiming the country.
  3. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Good on ya! [​IMG]
  4. afm199

    afm199 Well-Known Member

    I am just hoping Ca outlaws those smelly cigars Sapsis smokes. He's like a one man PG&E:Poke:
  5. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

  6. afm199

    afm199 Well-Known Member

    I got off BART ( underground train) at West Oakland station once at midnight by mistake. There was a pool of light and around the perimeter of the station a school sharks circled, waiting for victims. The Taxi that went by stopped, and the drive said: "What the HELL are you doing here? Get in now."
  7. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    What I meant by "back in the day" was, at a certain point in our history, the common man had a much greater influence because there wasn't such a gap between the powerful (wealthy, influential, etc.) and the masses, as there is today. Sometime in the past, if a group of farmers didn't like things, one of them could run for office and have a reasonable chance of winning, get in and affect change. Today, you have to know people, have a metric shit ton of money, sell your soul to corporations and special interests, and pander to your chosen party, and then, you might get elected. Unless you're from Minnesota or California... Then you have to be a wrestler, bodybuilder, actor or comedian. :D

    You are absolutely right. There are a lot more ways to send out a message to the world. But, does a message still influence Washington? I'd wager to say voters have been unhappy with a number of things for quite some time - the wars, the spending, the economy, jobs... If its so easy to get out your message, why are these things not changing?

    I've been part of petitions, letter campaigns, organized events, etc. requesting change. I've called/e-mail Congressman, done a number of things. Nothing ever changes. When you call or e-mail now, you get a nice little form letter, or scripted voice message saying how important you are and how hard he/she is working in Washington.
  8. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Let's look at that again. Today, a lot of the politicians ARE the hippies of the 60's. (Hello Jerry Brown) ♪He's backkk.♪

  9. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    I'll see your Governor Moonbeam and raise you a Governor Good Hair!
  10. ThrottleAbuse

    ThrottleAbuse Will Race for CASH!

    Yes! The Feds have way more power than was ever intended.

    Again this concept is very far from what was originally intended.

    What is with the bashing on the Tea Party? Every citizen in this country should be on board with 99% of the core beliefs of the party. If they launched the Traditional Family Values belief there is no excuse really.
  11. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

    Should I be grateful or regretful that you are telling me what to believe in?
  12. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Grateful would be my guess comrade.
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    It isn't as if you are unfamiliar with the concept.:D
  14. dsapsis

    dsapsis El Jefe de los Monos

    Maybe that's why I asked? ;)

    Nice double negative usage. A lot more creative and thought provoking than the ram-down-throat rhetorical style in fave lately, don't you agree?

    BTW Throttle, if I am reading the core values right, and allowing for some disagreement on interpretations, I am 67%, so you got a winner here! :D
  15. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    I've been rhetoric free for 14 months now.
  16. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I'll challenge that with the fact that Gov Good hair is too young to have been a hippy. Plus, if he had tried to be a hippy, living in Paint Creek Texas, he would have simply disappeared one night. (The locals weren't too happy with hippies there.) Pun intended. :)
  17. ThrottleAbuse

    ThrottleAbuse Will Race for CASH!

    Didn't realize that saying people should be on board with something was telling you what to believe.

    What of their core beliefs do you feel need to be interpreted different? OR changed? Seems most of it is pretty straightforward and really should go without saying when compared to the constitution and the original intent.
  18. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Mr Abuse, I don't believe you are old enough to know "the original intent" of the framers of the Constitution.
  19. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    You should go ahead and fill him in Panther... :p
  20. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    I don't remember so... [​IMG]

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