Deals Gap will re-open 4/12

Discussion in 'General' started by FatFarthing, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. Marc Camp

    Marc Camp Well-Known Member

    Oh it's been a squid fest for 9yrs my friend.Ever since the old man sold out and it became the dragon:down:.Whoo hoo.:rolleyes:
  2. Marc Camp

    Marc Camp Well-Known Member

    Yes it has.:)
  3. US129SLAYER

    US129SLAYER Well-Known Member

    I know my Grandfather owned it back when it was just a hunting lodge. I got into riding 2years before pete sold it and then it got advertised as a "squid theme park.......SQUID FLAGS lol
  4. Marc Camp

    Marc Camp Well-Known Member

    Always went as fast as i could.Had a blast up there.Some sections are at least 80+.Tossed my bike off the side of the road many times.Had a blast.:Shenanigans pulled a couple of my bikes back up the cliff.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2010
  5. FatFarthing

    FatFarthing Guest

    and the donkey speaks.
  6. The owner of Ebay will be happy. Im sure parts sales have been suffering since the Dragon closed.

    ...i bet the hospitals and morgues appreciate the little break though.
  7. Tyler B

    Tyler B Well-Known Member

    I've been called worse. :D

    The gap has averaged under 2 deaths per year over the last 15 years. Considering the amount of traffic the road sees, those statistics really aren't bad at all. You would statistically be in much more danger travelling some of the major highways in the area on the way to the gap than you would be once you got there. Stories about the area really do take on a life of their own, regardless of reality or even rational thinking. I got a hilarious warning from my new neighbor about staying away from the gap just a few days ago. Apparently there are 4 or 5 life flights out of there every day. Who knew!
  8. Oh, so only a few people die every year on that particular 11 mile stretch, and more people die on the surrounding roads. That makes it a lot better. :rolleyes:

    Here is an interesting read.

    That is only people who have actually died. It doesn't mention the ones who have lost limbs, been paralyzed or otherwise fucked up on that road...or the ones who have taken out vehicles.

    That place is nothing but a squid fest and dangerous for everyone, bikes and cars.

    You can have it, i will save my fun for the racetrack. :up:
  9. I haven't been there in 2 years...and won't be back.

    I have only ridden it 4 times. EVERY time I saw a sportbike waaaay on the other side of the road mid-corner due to carrying way too much entry speed at one point or another, at least 1 bike laying on its side on the side of the road and at least 5 cop cars in the 11 mile span.

    Is it possible that i am unlucky enough to just so happen to pick the 4 times stupid shit was going on and it is normally safe? Possible, but highly unlikely.

    People complain about cops hounding the road...well they wouldn't be there if there wasnt a reason for it. If the road wasn't consumed with asshats, there would be no need for all the cops.

    There aren't cops all over the road that leads to my house; why?...because it isn't constantly buzzing with squids trying to be the "King of Mountainview Road" and keeping up with/comparing how fast they can get from one end of the road to the other. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2010
  10. Tyler B

    Tyler B Well-Known Member

    It doesn't make death any better, but it shows the gap is not nearly what the rumor mill makes it out to be.

    That's a pretty small sample size to work from. After a few thousand passes through there it becomes clear how the place really operates.

    Incidents have risen since the police saturation began. What they are doing up there is nothing but a PR move. If they wanted to make a difference in the name of safety, the would set up on a road like Alcoa Highway and crack down on all of the distracted driving that goes on. There are countless better ways to use those resources than to put a team of police in every pull out for 9 miles.

    You may be surprised to know that cruiser riders are responsible for as many or even more incidents than sportbike riders. Especially in recent years, there are many more HD riders waddling their way off the side of the mountain than there are squids crashing during a speed run. Scan through the fatalities list on the map you linked and take note of how many cruisers are on that list. Once the police showed up, the road was flooded with riders that would have otherwise stayed away because of the "danger", who now feel "protected" by the police presence. The average skill level of riders tanked, and you've got novice mistake after novice mistake killing riders that believe only crazy sportbikers get hurt up there. No matter how you look at it, things operated much more smoothly just a few years back when the area regulated itself. Locals ripping back and forth may have scared a few tourists along the way, but they were never the problem demographic.
  11. True, sportbikes do not account for all of the incidents. That is a fact. You do not have to be on a sportbike to come into a turn too hot and go into the other lane.

    You simply cannot deny that the road is dangerous. Well, technically a road cannot be dangerous in itself, it takes asshats to make it dangerous.

    Whether the cops help or hurt things can be debated all day. But the fact of the matter is that they are there for a reason. Even if it is a PR move, if the road wasnt dangerous/deadly, the need for a PR move wouldnt exist. ;)
  12. roy826ex

    roy826ex Been around here a while

    I like the road on a motard. Hate it on a sportbike. Can't imagine what its like on a 900 lb harley. I will ride it again as soon as its fully open again. Not in to the gated theme.
  13. FatFarthing

    FatFarthing Guest

    you need to tell as many people as you can how you feel about it. have them all stay away. the road is too dangerous. everyone needs to go home.

    ....leaves more room for me to enjoy it!:beer:
  14. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.


    Just not the same place. :down:
  15. used2Bfast

    used2Bfast Still healing


    And the pic of the day..

  16. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I've ridden the Gap on multiple sportbikes, my DRZ400 and a couple of rental Harleys. All were fun and anyone that denies the road is dangerous is delusional. The level of danger is the key. The internet has ruined that road. Too many cars and to many bikers that have never ridden real curves. Seems every bike I've helped pull out of the ditches down there has a FL or OH tag on it.

    You have moron wannabe racers making really stupid passes that fuck it up for everyone. When you ride in a manner that puts other people at risk you need to keep out.

    When the ambulances/life star had to start making multiple trips every weekend the County and State decided something needed to be done.

    Thanks internet. :down:

    BTW, the Gap has never been the best road in the area. The Cherohala Skyway is much better but it is also much faster and can be way more dangerous. You crash up there and bad things usually happen.
  17. FatFarthing

    FatFarthing Guest

    yes, yes....what he said.

    stay away!
  18. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.


    Yep, move along. Nothing to see here. :p
  19. US129SLAYER

    US129SLAYER Well-Known Member

    Yep everyone needs to stay away I heard bears come out and mawl people off their bikes as they go by. It is horrible, everyone needs to just go some place else for a riding vacation :up:
  20. jmanley

    jmanley Well-Known Member


    That road is awesome because of the scenic views. I nearly crashed a couple times rubbernecking the view. Awesome.

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