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Covid19 PSA

Discussion in 'General' started by R Acree, Mar 10, 2020.

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  1. #156

    #156 Well-Known Member

    Is road a still on this weekend or will this change based on president trump getting covid ? I know when covid first came out they shut down everything. I hope they do not restrict travel again. Thanks.
  2. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    I wouldn't kid about the First Lady that way.
  3. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Was The Donald supposed to be there or something?

    I can't imagine why one more person getting a positive test would be a logical reason for...... ohwait. I see my mistake. I was trying to apply logic to the situation. There's been precious little logic applied to this from the get-go.
  4. #156

    #156 Well-Known Member

    Thats why im asking . This whole thing is nuts. Do not want to travel 500 miles each way for nothing.
  5. JCW

    JCW Well-Known Member

    I've personally seen a 70yo black lady test postive and was asymptomatic and recover. (I say black because of increased mortality rates in certain races)
    I've seen a 40yo die.
    It's like playing russian roulette. He could be fine and come back stronger...

    As far as masks are concerned... well, Trump flaunted the fact he didn't wear them... just saying I would never walk into a covid patient's room without a mask.
    There are plenty of studies that suggest social distancing and masks reduce the spread of covid. You can pick and choose studies to fit your argument either way.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  6. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    Masks don't protect you from others. They protect others from you to varying degrees of success depending on the quality of the mask.
  7. JCW

    JCW Well-Known Member

    You can keep saying that while people much smarter than both of us that have no political or personal agenda wear masks in hospitals and labs.

    But, wear them or don't... I'm not a karen... just pointing out the things I see.
    malik ross and Gecko like this.
  8. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    The “smarter people” working in the medical fields and labs are wearing diy cloth masks while in those areas? No shit?
    Ducti89 likes this.
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Well, one of the moms that hauls her daughter to the same places my kid goes is an ER doctor and I think is a GP seems not too concerned (all in all). When I see her panic I will.

    I won't put myself at risk (I wear my stupid mask when I have to, use enough hand sanitizer to lube up an elephant, don't go into stores that are full and the "common sense" shit) but I'm also not hiding in my basement with 5 AR15s, a Million rounds of ammo and 10 years worth of toilet paper and freeze dried food.
    Funkm05 likes this.
  10. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    Id quarantine with her in one of those human sized hamster balls...hehe
  11. yokohama1

    yokohama1 Well-Known Member

    Bikes are on track right now. Don’t show up if you have a fever as that is the first thing that is checked upon arrival. Not that anyone would go racing if not feeling well...
  12. #156

    #156 Well-Known Member

    Thanks yokohama 1 . I was going to drive up from florida tomorrow and race sunday. Thanks again.
  13. pkaustin

    pkaustin Well-Known Member

  14. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    Cute meme. Now do one with a viral particle that measures .1 of a micron. That's 10,000 times smaller than a millimeter.
  15. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    Right. Those are N95 and/or fitted surgical masks and not t-shirts, bandanas or other bits of random face furniture.

    I'm not very concerned about masks or no masks. I'm much more concerned that there's still very little talk of the severe Vitamin D deficiency in the population which is showing to be quite effective at fighting off the virus. Along with ample sleep/rest and zinc.
    Phl218 likes this.
  16. Booger

    Booger Well-Known Member

    Just to be clear, you’re saying that a vitamin D deficiency helps fight the virus?
  17. nd4spd

    nd4spd Well-Known Member

    No. The opposite. The majority of the population is Vitamin D deficient and it’s helping the virus wreak havoc.
  18. JCW

    JCW Well-Known Member

    That's a good person to follow as your early warning person...
    They are absolutely on the front line of your particular community.
  19. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Vitamin D deficiency makes you susceptible to a whole slew of maladies. It's probably the most important vitamin (technically its actually a hormone) to make sure you're topped up on.

    In other news, some of what I've seen implies that there are several different mutations of the virus floating around. The more virulent and likely to cause complications are showing up in far lower percentages. The strains that are most prevalent out there are the less severe ones......hence why case counts keep going up but death rates are going way down.
  20. JCW

    JCW Well-Known Member

    As stupid as it may seem, that is not a completely incorrect analogy.
    even though the virus particles as small AF, they are carried on much larger droplets. Reduce the droplet transmission with whatever you chose, reduce the chance of transmission.

    If covid was primarily airborne transmission, like TB and measles, maybe the use of masks is less obviously useful. But even then, I can find you studies that suggest household transmission may be less for these airborne viruses and bacteria.

    To be honest, even the cases of flu seems to be much less so far this season with the partial mask use and social distancing... The question is at what cost. For some a lot, for others not so much.
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