Big THANKS to Bioweapon fuel racer #725 David Ur

Discussion in 'General' started by Carnage R1, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    Hey Buck, what days you going to be at RA, I was thinking about coming down and cooking some chicken like in June, only this time I will have my grill and it will be better.

    Oh never mind you sucked and didn't come back for dinner.

  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    You do realize that it is very unlikely you could have picked a more inappropriate time for this particular post, don't you?:D
  3. 2Fer

    2Fer Is good

    All part of my master plan.
  4. UR35

    UR35 David

    Yea that's what I said when I was going into turn 1 and you see how that train wreck turned out :up:
  5. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Okay, that one worked. :D
  6. UR35

    UR35 David

  7. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    Fukker! I just spit my Coke in the floor. LMAO
  8. Dizzle

    Dizzle Well-Known Member

    Do you BW fuel guys care about your image?

    2 of the top 4 search results on Google for BW Fuels are links to threads here. Where you guys act completely unprofessional.
  9. UR35

    UR35 David

    Thanks for the heads up I will talk to all of our staff about this issue by the way homo says what :crackup:
  10. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Douche bag says homo says what.
  11. UR35

    UR35 David

  12. UR35

    UR35 David

    Terrance that funny your the same guy Tim smack in the ass as we were going down the front straight away at Summit Point when he was training me.
  13. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate

    There is no room for professionalism in the 13x forums. It is a language that is not spoken here. I tried that route for the first year or so and realized that I would not earn any respect by laying down and letting people walk all over me, my company, and my riders.

    If you want to talk about fuel or sponsorship, I can be absolutely professional. If you want to talk smack about an upcoming race, or each other’s mammas, I am happy to oblige.

    Either way BWFuel is spooling up for big things in 2011 that will be hard for people to drag through the dirt. Our product and cause is righteous enough to allow us to show our personal shortcomings by arguing with the riff raff of the peanut gallery.

    Remember that we are not a faceless corporation. We are all riders in love with the sport, and the screwed up community that supports it.

    We love you WERA, and the beeb too!

    PS If this wasn't exactly what the 13x audience demands of us, there would not be 28,000 views of this thread.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  14. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    No offense intended but do a search on Pit Bull, Stick Boy, Darren Talbott, Spyderchick and many others and I think you will find your statement to be total BS. However they seem to be able to separate personal from business. Even in this thread, i don't recall seeing anything negative about your product.
  15. UR35

    UR35 David

    Very Well Said my Friend I'm looking forward to the announcement for 2011
  16. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate

    I did a search, and I did not find any threads PERSONALLY attacking any of the PEOPLE you listed.

    I have plenty of professional responses in threads about our PRODUCTS.

    This thread is totally personal. And entertaining. Nothing more.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  17. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    And you will not find any attacking their products or customer service. In fact, I think you will find they get referrals based on those attributes. An attack on a sponsored rider is not an attack on you or the company. As a sponsor, you may have been better off having a word with your rider and leaving it at that. IMHO, you didn't do your product any favors in this thread.
  18. Some say there is no such thing as bad publicity.

    BTW, what's the story behind the BW bird?
  19. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate

    You will not find any threads attcking my product or customer service either.
    Just dumbasses making fun of biofuel in general or taking personal shots at Dave Ur.
  20. bodell

    bodell Green Racing Advocate

    The Bird and BioWeapon font were created by Tony Crisp at He races a Porsche and instructs at a driving school in addition to being one of the west coasts coolest branding artists. I told him that we were looking for an aggressive and modern brand for our chicken tallow based race fuel and that is what he came up with. In his own words," what is a greater mascot of competition and sport than a chicken that knife fights to the death."

    Rich C. and Speed love it too...

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