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Ain't she great?!

Discussion in 'General' started by RockStar44, May 31, 2006.

  1. RockStar44

    RockStar44 Hayden OWNS Martini!

    Just had to post this.

    This morning, my wife and I drove seperate to work. I rode this morning, and it worked out where she followed me to work (we work pretty close together). We take the same way in. I get this email from her...

    "Hey Babe,

    Maybe most wives wouldn't say this, but after our drive in this morning, I would MUCH rather see you blazing by on the track than stuck in between a beat up Topaz and a soccer-mom-driven mini-van on the interstate. I was a nervous wreck for you this morning!"

    What's funny is, she doesn't even ride, and she realizes how bad people drive! And for the record, I couldn't agree with her more!! Now maybe she will let me turn that sweet 06 R6 into a race bike!!! :up:
  2. vosnick52

    vosnick52 Well-Known Member

    race it or get hit by a soccer Mom.
    You have a lot more friends at the track than you
    do on the road. :up:
  3. Wade Parish

    Wade Parish North Central Hawker

    I have always said and will continue to say that I think racing is safer than riding on the street.
  4. xsbaggage

    xsbaggage Banned

    ...per mile, i'd agree.
  5. 418

    418 Expert #59

    My lovely wife suggested we go do a track day on our anniversary.

    Yeah, she's great too. :D
  6. ToddClark

    ToddClark f'n know it all

    WERD! :up:

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