9/11 anniversary

Discussion in 'General' started by chaplain, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Not my problem. I'm just saying sue the ones who caused the deaths, not just the companies that you can reach.
  2. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    if there is money to be made, the lawyers will find bin laden. :D

    didn't the 911 hacks get enough money from all the donations?

    not that i agree with that either.
  3. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

    It's a shame people will go this low. But, it's to be expected in the country today. These people and their lawyers don't care who's pockets they're fishing in. As long as they can pull cash out.
  4. Kevin Crauswell

    Kevin Crauswell Well-Known Member

    After re-read of the posts : I would have to agree. If the family
    members are going for the absured greedy, get all the
    money I can, well they are to me, pieces of SHIT !
    Now , on the other hand : those whom have suffered thru thier
    loss and have not jumped onto the greed wagon, they
    need our heartfelt support. But nothing to the
    greedy . . . .
  5. Smiley Pete

    Smiley Pete mayor of never never land

    Hey Darren. Fuck you.

    Sorry if I offended anyone.
  6. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Wow, Smiley Pete, you're good. F you, too. I'm not offended. I've have worse things said to me by better people.

    I meant what I said, but to make things clearer, I should have type " but most of the family members of people who died in the attack who are sueing can just rot."

    Would that have been better?

    ** Cleaned up to keep Tex happy.
  7. sportbikepete

    sportbikepete Well-Known Member

    Holy crap! :eek:
  8. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    He wasn't talking to YOU Darrin...he was talking to some guy named Darren.

    My guess is that Darren is one of the individuals trying to profit off the demise of so many people.

  9. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Thanks, Tex, I didn't even catch that :D .
  10. Smiley Pete

    Smiley Pete mayor of never never land

    No, it would not.

    It's very convenient to sit in front of your computer, two years removed from the horrors that were experienced by thousands of people, and condemn the people most horribly and permanently affected. Did you consider, even for one nanosecond, what that widow and the tens of thousands of other family members have been going through (and will continue to go through) for the past two years? Can you imagine the anger, frustration and worry that they've experienced? You think you can? How about trying to re-think your position as if it was your son who was at his desk in daycare at the World Trade Center when he was incinerated by jet fuel. Then tell me that your wife should "just rot" because she, for whatever reason, decides to file a lawsuit against the companies involved with your child's security.

    Don't assume that those people (a significant minority of the tens of thousands of people throughout the world who lost family members that day) are suing out of greed. Do you really think they'd chose the money over having another MINUTE with the people they lost? I don't know why they are suing, and I don't care. I don't know how I'd react if I was in their position, and neither do you. But if they feel that filing a lawsuit will help them find closure, or extend the memory of their lost ones, or whatever the reason - they certainly earned that right. Do they deserve money from some of the companies they will sue? I don't know, and I don't care. That's not for me to decide. But I certainly will not condemn them for it - I can't because I don't know their motives. Neither do you.

    So, yeah, you offended me plenty. I take personal offense for what happened to my country two years ago - and in my opinion you have tried to make that day as trivial as a slip-and-fall in a supermarket.
  11. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Smiley Pete:

    I know how most of the anti lawyer weenies here would act -- they'd sue!!!:D :D

    And remember, people don't sue for greed, they sue for money!!:D :D

    Seriously, of the 100's of clients I've represented, greed is not a factor for except for a very small portion.

  12. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Allright, Smiley Pete, Let me express a few thoughts.

    in my opinion you have tried to make that day as trivial as a slip-and-fall in a supermarket

    No, actually the people sueing are doing that.

    Don't assume that those people (a significant minority of the tens of thousands of people throughout the world who lost family members that day) are suing out of greed. Do you really think they'd chose the money over having another MINUTE with the people they lost

    Why else would they be sueing who they are sueing other than greed? Can we really blame all of this on the metal detector people, or the airplane's designers? No, the blame lies with the terrorists who hijacked the plane, so sue them.

    No, I think they would rather have their loved ones back. Is the money they are sueing for going to bring their loved ones back? No. Is it going to punish the people responsible for this tragedy? No.

    How about trying to re-think your position as if it was your son who was at his desk in daycare at the World Trade Center when he was incinerated by jet fuel.

    The only people I would hold responsible would be the terrorists.
  13. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    Hey Pete

    These people are suing the manufacturer of the detection machines. Machines that work. Don't you think they checked that after the tragedy??? It was the workers who didn't detect the box cutters, not the machines.

    Nobody is comparing the attacks on the towers to a slip in the supermarket, but you can bet your last freakin dollar I'm saying the families are making that comparison with this suit.

    Terrorists killed these people, not defective screening machines, not airplanes, not the government...terrorists.

    Sue the terrorists...or sue nobody.
  14. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    wow Darrin...we seem to agree on this one:D
  15. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Yes, we do :D .
  16. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Love is a many splendored thingie . . . .
  17. Smiley Pete

    Smiley Pete mayor of never never land

    Sorry Darrin, I just don't think you get it. Let's just agree to disagree.
  18. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    Well Chaplain, there you have it!

  19. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    I was under the impression that the box cutters were allowed due to a change in the standards that allowed blades up to a certain length. I read that this was in response to numerous complaints about Swiss Army Knives being confiscated.
  20. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Ditto, and yes, we can agree to disagree.

    Ain't America great?

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