'72 CB350 race bike for sale

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by Parr, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Parr

    Parr Well-Known Member

    1972 CB 350 race bike.
    Bike runs strong and handles well. $2800 OBO.

    [email protected]

    - THR piston
    - megacycle cam
    - ARD magneto
    - slipper cam chain tensioner
    - CR 5th gear
    - Mikuni VMs with velocity stacks
    - KPM valve spring kit

    - braced frame
    - new wheel, tapered steering and swingarm bearings/bushings
    - new Works Performance shocks
    - new fork springs (150 lb rider), + heavier springs spare
    - T500 brake with Vintage Brake shoes
    - new 520 chain and sprockets, 3 rear sprockets
    - clip ons, Matt Tanner race seat, cafe faring
    - alloy wheels

    - front and rear stands
    - spares include gearing, jetting, cables
  2. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member


    Don't do it...
  3. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Why not? Maybe he's seen a beautiful 2 Stroker he wants.
  4. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Oh great, Charles smells blood in the water...

    You leave Michael alone, he'll be fine...Tuning can drive a man wacky, something you should have some familiarity with, and put that rat back in his cage...
  5. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Now now Chummie, let nature run its course...in each man is something 'wild' wanting to be let loose...this could be Michael's time to realize his true inner 'wild thang.'
  6. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    I know Michael, he's solid as the day is long, and in so far as he has any, ahem, "wild thang," he would have the good sense to talk to Megacycle and get a proper cam for that application...
  7. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Solid...so was the Titanic.

    Sometimes, Chummie, stuff like 'cams' and 'valves' get old, real old...and then its time for a change, time for something that spins up to 12,000 RPM with warp speed...and then, as they once sang, time has come today.
  8. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Insidious, Charles...


    It's the only word to describe you...

    Worse than buzzards...Michael is having a moment of four stroke doubt, this does not entitle you to come stalking around like some crack dealing pimp daddy trying to lure him to the dark side...

    I have melted Wisecos, Charles...melted...Too many to count...Well, enough that counting becomes a chore anyway...Don't start...
  9. charles

    charles The Transporter

    No buzzard or crack dealing pimp daddy, no matter how insidious, has ever lured any Righteous Man into a life of depravity. No sirree, Chummie, if a man is tempted by Satanic forces, there is no doubt in my mind that such dark and ominous forces are defined by things like cams, valve followers, front chains, tappets, rocker arms, pushrods, and massive oil leaks. Man, by nature, if left alone by the Devil, would never have made such a variety of mechanical devices to clash, clatter, gnash, and grind relentlessly. Man, on his own and in a Pure State of Harmony, inspired by Higher Powers, would build and ride the 2 Stroker.

    You might as well throuw out those WISECOS, melted by man's ignorance and folly, they are as useless as tits on a bull in trying to convince the Righteous Man, such as Michael here, to remain in an unholy grip of the diesel deathtrap-of-the-spirit.
  10. freedomgli

    freedomgli Well-Known Member

    Damn, you're so close to me, but alas I spent all my money on a trip to Italy this month. Good luck with the sale.
  11. Parr

    Parr Well-Known Member

    Chum, Charles - I was anticipating a more Freudian theme to your analysis. Come on, step up.
  12. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Egads, I have no interest whatsoever in engaging Charles in any discussion of a Freudian nature, just the thought makes me feel dirty...

    Look, Michael, let's take the long view here, what say we contact somebody real smart, like that Stan Lippert fella, or someone of that caliber, and just get the little rat bastid right, eh? Get it like Erv Kanemoto breathed magic on it...The V1 ranks need a man of your caliber gridding up, a guy you can trust and respect on the track, a man that can make Hondas fly...

    Do it for me, do it for the others, do it for Soichiro...


    "Michael, you go race bike."
  13. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Of course that's what is needed here, but I don't want to open a can of rotten worms...Chummie just can't take it anymore, I've learned to accept him with all of his fixations, obsessions, and fetishes.
  14. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Oy...Michael? Don't leave me alone here with him...

    What would Mike Hailwood do? Hah? What would Mike Hailwood do? Why he would soldier on to victory in his bedroom slippers...


    ...and that is precisely the competitive spirit, and tenacity, I've seen you display time and time again...Don't give up on the Honda, it wants to win for you...
  15. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Hey Michael, ya wanna hear some discouraging CB350 sagas? we need to get together. :rolleyes:

    Like Chum is saying.....dont give up man. Once you get it right it will all be worth it.
  16. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Oh man, and Charlie is definitely a guy who has taken his lumps...It's just teething issues, Michael's bike runs like a raped ape...Hey? You didn't get the Hawk dialed overnight did ya?

    You see Michael, the world is composed of people within the circle? And people out of the circle...Once you are in the circle, Michael, the circle of trust, well, you are in the circle, you know what I mean?

  17. charles

    charles The Transporter

    When in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
  18. Chumbucket

    Chumbucket Well-Known Member

    The things you see when you don't have a shoulder holster...
  19. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Chum's use of visual reference is very entertaining.

    Mr. Parr, the way I broke things down on the V1 Honda 350 was simple...chassis and motor....right now, my problems are all motor.

    I'm actually thinking about going back to the simpler stock motor until I get a handle on things.....but I'm not thinking about pitching the whole thing down the road.
  20. charles

    charles The Transporter

    What could you see when you're going around in circles? :up:

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