2nd gen SV fuel strategy

Discussion in 'Tech' started by jb_11, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. jb_11

    jb_11 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know how much fuel is left in the tank of an 03 SV650 when the fuel light comes on, or conversely how much you add to top it off again. Any estimations of fuel mileage under race conditions? I'm running my first endurance race this weekend and just trying to plan out the pit stops a little better. Thanks.

  2. KrooklynSV

    KrooklynSV Usual Suspect

    the 03 only has one sensor which tells you when the fuel left < 1 gallon.

    not sure about the mileage. someone will chime in.
  3. Kris87

    Kris87 Friendly Smartass

    somewhere 'round a gallon, somewhere round 3.2 gallons. somewhere between 19-21mpg.
  4. jb_11

    jb_11 Well-Known Member


  5. cb500

    cb500 long hair hippie freak

    IF YOUr FAST RIDER 19-21mpg if you not than 20-25mph;)
  6. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    but the light blinks when you aren't completely screwed and then goes solid when you are. If the track is less than 2miles long if it goes solid just as you pass your pits, you can make it to the pits the next time around.
  7. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Also the track. Fuel mileage at Nelson isn't the same as at BeaveRun.
  8. jb_11

    jb_11 Well-Known Member

    I made it about 13 and half laps at Nelson after the light came on in practice. Some corner worker on the back straight was nice enough to give me a little gas to get back to the pits.
  9. s4senna

    s4senna Well-Known Member

    do you guys think think this can apply to an 06 R6 as well?
    should I count on a 15mpg average, at willows?
    on a 4.5 gallon fuel tanks, that only about 67 miles between fill ups!!

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