If You Had a Time Machine......

Discussion in 'General' started by Razr, Oct 20, 2023.

  1. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    It would be interesting to go forward in time about 40 years just to see what's changed!
    ToofPic likes this.
  2. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Id jump forward 200 yrs to see if global warming killed us.
  3. A. Barrister

    A. Barrister Well-Known Member

    If anything kills us, it won't be that. More like intensive excessive radiation or stupidity from playing with DNA.

    Warming a few degrees just creates a different coastline, and makes those east/west coast infections go away.
  4. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    It's a chickendhit new world.
  5. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Be all robots in 200 years....Welcome to the machine!
  6. bpro

    bpro Big Ugly Fat F*****

    I am 100% certain that something will have killed me by the year 2223. Climate change is as good a reason as any.
    Boman Forklift likes this.
  7. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Ok I just jumped forward 200 yrs in my time machine. Everything is fine still.

    BPRO- your death was hookers and blo!
    Boman Forklift and brex like this.
  8. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Was he the hooker doing the blowing, or...?
    brex and ToofPic like this.
  9. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

  10. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    So, let's set some parameters...

    Is this a one-time, one-way trip? Or can I bounce around at will?

    What/how much can I take with me?

    For example, if I could take a modern aircraft carrier back to around December 3rd or 4th 1941 I could prevent Pearl Harbor.

    Call in some manner of terrorism threat on the WTC on 11 September 01.

    Climb up to the window of the Dallas Book Suppository building on 22 September 63......... ohwait :rolleyes:

    Go to Rimini Italy on 17 May 17 and pester a fellow American for an autograph and delay him just a few seconds. :(

    There's tons more...
    AC1108 likes this.
  11. CBRRRRR999

    CBRRRRR999 Well-Known Member

    The future is so bright you gotta wear shades, unless you're too close to ground zero.
  12. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    You can go anywhere, anytime, go as often as you like. You can stay there as long as you want, come back when you want. You can't take anything with you, no phones, guns, airplanes. You can only observe. You can't change history, if you could, you might not be here now with a chance to go back there! You can't change history. You can't let the air out of your dad's tires so he can't marry his second wife, because your half brother stoled your girlfriend.
    AC1108 likes this.
  13. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

  14. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Ok. I’m going back in time to the movie set of 1 million years bc, and sweep Raquel Welch off her feet……….heyyyy, it could happen :rolleyes:
  15. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Id go back to catch a Pink Floyd show in their heyday
    Razr likes this.
  16. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Im going back in time to change Razrs rules for this thread
    A. Barrister, brex, BigBird and 2 others like this.
  17. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Yeah but the US provoked the attack. Whats his name was trying to get us into WW2.
  18. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

  19. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    I would so dominate the wera bbs fantasy league!
    BigBird likes this.
  20. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Just wondering what 'on GP' means.

    Not General Practitioner. Nor Gross Product...

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