6 months into my 8 month wandering adventure

Discussion in 'General' started by motion, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    Honestly, I didn't think I'd make it this far. I thought I'd either be kilt in some shithole country or given up and gone back to the USA. So, I think its gone better than expected!

    I've been thru 26 countries, with 9 of those being first time countries for me. So, most of my trip has been thru stuff I've been through many times already. Budget wise, I don't pay attention to money. I stay where I want and eat what I want without thinking of the cost. I buy biz class tickets when I can and the cost isnt outrageous. I lose a lot of money on flights I miss and hotels I don't make it to or that I bail out on early with changes of plans due to boredom or weather. That being said, it looks like I'm doing this all-in for $3K a month, which was my original goal. It helps that the dollar is so strong everywhere now.

    For me, the big takeaway is the feeling of being alone. I haven't been alone in life since my early 20's so this is something new and difficult for me. I'm not chatty and don't like talking to white people in foreign lands, so I mostly stick to myself. I've had to try and learn to be comfortable with only myself as company, and that aint been easy at all. I honestly don't think many people are cut out for this type of life. I know I'm not. I feel OK on the surface, but I know there is stuff bubbling under my conscience that I can't ignore. I've had severe night sweats for over a month, which is probably a good indication that I have unresolved issues.

    To be clear, I'm not searching for anything. I've already done this shit several times over. I'm just sort of killing time.

    I'm back with my Tenere 700 in Europe and will wander around for awhile yet.

    A life without concern for money or responsibility seems like a great idea, but not sure I can repeat this again next year. My hats off to Captain Morgan and other souls I see on Youtube out there exploring on their own.

  2. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking The Iron Price

    Those are some hard truths you’re learning about yourself.

    Kudos for seeking out the answers.
  3. YamRZ350

    YamRZ350 Nicorette Dependent

    Yeah, sounds horrible.
  4. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Fwiw I know *I* am not wired to be a travel bug. A week away is plenty for me. I know people who truly are travel bugs but I think its pretty rare. Dont feel that travel bugs are the norm. They are not.

    In my earlier years I switched into a flying career but in hinsight I think a big motivation was trying to escape from various things in my hometown LA. Now Im pretty content with things and love being home.
    YamahaRick, cbush, motion and 3 others like this.
  5. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    It's so sad that we as a society live to work and can feel lesser than if we aren't "productive". And I say that as a guy that has a pretty sweet work/life balance.
  6. Yzasserina

    Yzasserina sound it out

    Good for you! The only thing missing is the photos of interesting meals you’ve had! Boo!
    motion and KneeDragger_c69 like this.
  7. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Glad to see you out there co-CEO, being alone ain't easy, it's actually pretty tough. Glad you are able to at least experience it on 2 wheels, which is at least is an adventure in foreign lands.

    Keep at it. You'll reach your goal, and when you get back, we'll lose some more profits for all!
    motion and Trainwreck like this.
  8. Smilodon

    Smilodon Wannabe

    At least you have the benefit of current communications technology. Here I am responding from my desk in Florida, next week I leave for my big adventure (relatively speaking) overseas. I will still be able to say "hi" or commiserate on flat tires or whatever with you even when I'm on the road there.

    Can't imagine doing some of the trips you are doing, though. And particularly by yourself. Never found a good riding buddy in your pay-grade up for that sort of thing?
  9. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    I don't really care for aimlessly traveling while solo, but I love it with my wife. If I'm solo, I need to have a challenge or a task or something to keep me motivated, more than just admiring new/pretty views.
    SteveThompson and ORIF like this.
  10. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    I know you were mainly talking about emotional stuff but night sweats are a sign of physical health issues also so keep an eye on how you feel physically and maybe get checked out.
    ORIF, KneeDragger_c69 and motion like this.
  11. GarrettRick

    GarrettRick Well-Known Member

    My gf and I did 2.5 months of the gypsy life. We just got back . I agree , it wasn’t as “fun” as we were expecting. We rented our place out to a ball player for spring training and just couch and hotel hopped out west. The time went by slow and the last month was brutal. We missed the regularity and routine. We saw some more of the great American west and had some unforgettable adventures but the idle and down time was hard on the spirit. If we weren’t actively stimulated we found ourselves homesick and not in our general good moods.
    MELK-MAN, Gino230, cBJr and 3 others like this.
  12. COOP 1

    COOP 1 Well-Known Member

  13. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    Very common with pneumonia. A few perscription drugs can cause them as well.

    Being comfortable with just yourself is a hard thing to do. It took me a year after my divorce to finally enjoy living solo.
    KneeDragger_c69, BigBird and motion like this.
  14. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I like roaming, but I miss the wife when she can't travel with me. If I'm home to long, I feel like I need to go somewhere. I'll do daytrips or overnight trips if I'm home for a month or more.
    BigBird and motion like this.
  15. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    I don't mean to trivialize it. I know that I'm fortunate beyond my wildest dreams to have this sort of freedom.
    Gino230, evakat, 27 and 2 others like this.
  16. RayRay

    RayRay Well-Known Member

    I'm not chatty and don't like talking to white people in foreign lands, so I mostly stick to myself. I've had to try and learn to be comfortable with only myself as company, and that aint been easy at all

    I would say to get out of your comfort zone and start chatting with people. You never know. I am not a world traveler. Occasionally I travel for work, and when I am in a state, or country I have never been to, I try to talk to people and be as open as possible. Part of what you describe you are going through at this stage of your life may be the lack of interaction with people over time and willing to get out of your comfort zone. All humans need interaction with other humans....
  17. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    You heading out on 2 wheels? Where?
  18. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    I am very good at getting out of my comfort zone. Its a priority for me and I will basically do anything or go anywhere, even if I don't think I'll make it out alive. I do talk to people... for example, I commonly hire a car and driver by the day when i don't have access to a scooter, so I spend the day talking to them as we drive. Its OK... I just don't need it or thrive on it. I can do with or without it.
    BigBird likes this.
  19. 50Joe

    50Joe Registered User

    Totally jealous. Traveling the world like that once retired was my plan but then paralysis happened. I have no problem at all being alone. I can go weeks without direct human contact but do enjoy the company of smart, cool people too. I often use the term it's to peopley out there for me LOL.
    Gino230, motion, TurboBlew and 2 others like this.
  20. This old Rz

    This old Rz Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on traveling various parts of the world you must find it fascinating as you continue to do so.

    As mentioned above he got to post some pictures of some meals brother!

    I never used to be very talkative but I am now I am like a sponge I like talking to anybody and everything if you and me were in the desert at a campfire you'd probably put a bullet in my head and then go to sleep going thank God that this guy shut up..lol

    I absolutely love my solitude but I also hate being alone does that make sense???

    Post some pictures of your bike rides or something like that or people's cars I can certainly live vicariously through others adventures!

    What the hell ever happened to postcards anyways??

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