So who are the Adv riders here?

Discussion in 'General' started by rd400racer, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. I’m in Toccoa but heading to Chicago Wed-Sat with the family for a Cubs/ Braves game and to chill out a bit. Well they are going to chill out at the fancy hotel on Mi Ave, I’m going to head to the south side for my own challenge. Like playing frogged but with bullets :) ok maybe not but I may get aggressive in the Starbucks line.

    if you do plan on being around when I’m not gone shoot me a PM. I can borrow a buddies BMW(he has 3 so depending on where you plan to actually ride) or grab his wife’s Africa Twin that’s still sprung for him as he just took it on a trip with his son who rode it and the guy cuts no corners so swapped out springs for the kid just for the trip.
  2. SteveThompson

    SteveThompson Banned by amafan

    That's the one. I offered him $27k. That's what it is worth to me. He didn't like it and when I asked about which options it had. He said, "it isn't a Harley". Whatever that means. He did say that his riding buddy is terminally ill and it has made him want to give up riding, so he gets some grace for that. He has since gone on to rant in his own sale thread. I, personally, don't know why you list something for sale and then get frustrated that you have to deal with people. Yeah, some people are goofy. Just ignore them and move on.
  3. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    I was all set to get rid of my GSA and buy either a 1200 or 1250 R, and then I watched a review of the new Desert X. I don't even really care that much about going off road anymore but damn that X looks like fun.
    ducnut likes this.
  4. ducnut

    ducnut Well-Known Member

    So does the Norden 901.
  5. JTRC51

    JTRC51 El Speedy Gonzalez

    I live in N.GA and just converted my DRZ400SM to be more offroad oriented (dualsport) with S wheels/golden boy tires, skid plate, pegs, rear box, etc. I plan to do more riding into the mountains vs. around them :)
    Britt and ducnut like this.
  6. cpettit

    cpettit Well-Known Member

    The Aprilia Tuareg looks pretty cool too. I think the Yamaha 700 is the bike to get though.
    Once a Wanker.. and stk0308 like this.
  7. F that, had an R1M at my house on and off over past couple years, street bike but had usual pipe, mapped properly, tweaks to suspension, etc etc. I maybe put 200 miles on it. About 150 of those were a single day of some spirited mountain riding and that’s just not my thing. If I’m hauling ass on a sport bike I want to crash at the track.
    My EXC 300 (ish) is technically street legal and I have a decent SM setup for it. Thats fun when heading out to stop by a buddies place or to the store but that’s about my limit. I don’t seem to be able to control my stupid. It’s not that I’m riding over my head it’s just that others either riding or driving seem to be doing with no head therefore no brain. That and that bike will get you in trouble very fast. Definitely not a bike you just let anyone hop on and ride on the street (racing buddies excluded from that statement). I run castor in it and I know there is a lot better oil out there but I don’t care, I run it a tad on the rich side for both oil and jetting a - I don’t mind losing some power or changing plugs often b- a sweet smelling 2T on a public road that is “legal” makes me giggle every time I head out. I’m
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
  8. But can one set the record at the gap?
  9. JTRC51

    JTRC51 El Speedy Gonzalez

    I have a well setup MT10 (full suspension, electronics, etc.) And I it's an excellent and fun bike but I agree with you, I don't worry about my riding, it's the others I worry about. My DRZ does well and allows me to dual sport so I am considering selling the MT.
    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  10. Get a 2T, they are a pain in the ass at times but they make you giggle.
  11. JTRC51

    JTRC51 El Speedy Gonzalez

    I have a 2T, but it's for road racing. For street, I'll stick to 4T. Lol
  12. SteveThompson

    SteveThompson Banned by amafan

    We’ll, so much for the GSA idea. I bumped into a 2019 Ducati Multistrada 1260 Enduro with 300 miles. A dealer traded for it and even had to unpack the panniers from the box and install them. They’ve given it a full service and I’ll pick it up next week. It was too good of a deal to pass up.
  13. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    You'll love it! I took a 1200 Multi up to 140mph a couple days ago and it was awesome :)
  14. 5axis

    5axis Well-Known Member

    Got the 640 adv back on the road with a Lectron carb upgrade. Runs like a champ, smooth idle and clean pulls, bottom to the top.
    Happy 4th

    beac83, ducnut, Britt and 1 other person like this.
  15. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Digging the LOCTITE sticker...LOL
    cBJr and 5axis like this.
  16. 83BSA

    83BSA Well-Known Member

    For a modern single that could be aptly descried as a paint shaker . . . from one who KNOWS big single vibration as it developed from ancient to modern times, most appropos.


    stk0308, Britt and 5axis like this.
  17. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    If you didn't already know it, the BDR group made all of they vids available for free on youtube. I never bought one in the past because I'm cheap and big BMW's are not my thing. But the vids do give you a lot of visual on what to expect if you elect to ride the route. They are worth a view for that information alone. Of course the real value in these things are the tracks. Not having to navigate is something I like a lot.

    I've been anxiously awaiting the Wyoming ride. I've ridden the UT, the CO, and parts of the ID and NV routes and they are very good, especially when you add some routes to them as you go. Colorado: if you ride the BDR and don't add Mosquito, Black Bear, Imogene, Last Dollar, and 4 or 5 others, then you are missing out on some awesome stuff. The Utah route is really nice, but it is a shame that it is all an eastern state thing.

    These BDR builds have been going on for 10+ years. It is funny to watch a vid from 5 years ago and compare it to the WY ride. Now they ride huge bikes with huge payloads and they roll in to hotels instead of camping, LOL. Also, for this one, they include a BMW off road course instructor and she bails on at least 3 rides... Funny stuff.

    galloway840 and ducnut like this.
  18. stk0308

    stk0308 Well-Known Member

    As a Triumph Tiger Rally rider I get tired of only seeing, big GS's in most of these kinds of videos. Though, I guess, if they can do it, I have a better chance of completing it.

    Hotel is being pretty generous for some of the places they were staying.

    I did find the irony in a BMW off road course instructor, who had never done an ADV ride before.

    Felt sorry for Jocelin being banged up, but still a trooper.
  19. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    When I consider a hotel, if I must flip a coin as to whether it is better than the bush, then I pick the bush every time. 9 times out of 10 the bush ends up being better anyway.

    I felt sorry for Jocelin because in the vid she says, "I couldn't NOT go on the expert route because I might miss something epic", then she goes along with the Beemer instructor girl when Beemer instructor girl bails on yet another section. "It will still be fun....girl power....will one of you guys help me pick up my behemoth?"
  20. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    The Utah route sucks donkey dick and is boring, flat scenery. Nothing special, no roads or trails in the area are worth visiting at all.

    Everyone should stick to the Colorado route. Go there instead.

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