Feel the Bern

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Robby-Bobby, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. caboose

    caboose I love peanut butter!

    Greece had more contributing factors than just socialism.

    Further, providing one example of a country in which socialism was not successful (even though it was one contributing factor that lead to their troubles) does not discredit the other countries that have been successful with socialist policies.

    Biased media spins it farther left or right, then the left or right leaning viewers believe what they want to believe (then post factually inaccurate memes on FB).

    The fact that most American folks seem dead set against universal (socialist) healthcare boggles my mind.... But that's another issue entirely.

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  2. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    OK, now I know you're trolling.

    That or turdburglar has multiple logins.

    Let me edit to be clear: When a healthy family of four spends more on government mandated healthcare insurance than they do putting one roof over their heads and/or two sets of wheels in their driveway, that's a problem. If you can't see that, then you need to change your username, cuz you're CLEARLY not following along.
  3. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Perhaps you aren't old enough to remember when health care worked quite well in the US?
    Back before excessive government meddling brought us to where we are today?
    Complete government control is exactly the wrong answer.
  4. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    What we have now isn't anywhere near universal healthcare. It is the worst of everything. When you let the friggen insurance and drug company's write the law who do you think is going to be the benefactor ? It ain't you or me.
  5. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. :p
  6. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I'm going to floor you with the following statement. Bernie is far and away a better choice than the Hillary. (See, I agreed with you and it didn't hurt much.) That woman is a harsh, bloodthirsty, and crafty bitch that would kill her own Grandchild if it would get what she wants. If she could pull it off she would be a dictator within 2 months of being elected. I will agree that Bernie is a very honest person as a politician. He would have to be shut down on some of his ideas so above all, he should not have a Democrat House and Senate to help him. Keep him honest is the name of the game.
    The Dung Beetle likes this.
  7. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    As i said earlier i agree the problem is people see it as a great equalizer. They think that $15 hour is going to make their life better. Which looking at their bills would make it better. What they fail to realize $15 an hour is just a new $8 an hour and the middleclass just took a $7 an hour pay cut. They think socialism is equality and people like bernie help feed that narrative by constantly saying things should be more equal. Im just pointing out the bigger part of the base of people that support bernie actually believe he will bring equality when he cant because there is no equality in any system you run a country in.
  8. caboose

    caboose I love peanut butter!

    American health care is not a mess because of government meddling. It's a mess because of corporate greed that has been tolerated and/or endorsed by your government.

    Government meddling at this point is not the answer. Obamacare is not the answer, it's like mandating smoke alarms when your house is already on fire. So I don't disagree with you when you say that government control is the wrong answer.

    Like I said earlier, capitalism is ok with those checks and balances to protect the people. Healthcare in the US is currently a disaster and it's because insurance companies, healthcare facilities and the govt have actively and passively made it happen. The "for profit" healthcare system you currently have is not in the best interests of the people.

    Bloated government oversight, insurance companies and healthcare facilities are who like your current system. The people who actually have to pay for it are getting bent over the table with no lube. Our system in Canada isn't perfect, it certainly has its flaws, but your system is beyond dysfunctional and I don't see any easy fixes.

    Ummmmm, ok I think we're in agreement.

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  9. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I believe that you have a bit of a distorted view of medical care here and in Canada. The simple fact that when control of medical care is taken over by a group of bureaucrats, it will always result in rationed health care. It has to in order to control the cost. The urgency of a medical need is discarded when the person making the decision is thousands of miles away and doesn't know you from a frog in the pond. He simply doesn't care so to him it's dollars.

    One of the biggest detriments to effective medical care is the unnecessary Governmental intrusion of the rules and regulations placed on the medical community. All those rules that have to be met to satisfy all those bureaucrats is what results in an aspirin that costs $12 bucks, or that $4 band-aid. It's complicated.
  10. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Medical care isn't rationed in the US?.....
  11. caboose

    caboose I love peanut butter!

    Yes, that is all true and I admit their are some flaws in our system. The biggest of which is over use of the system, since our healthcare is "free" there are some people who will go to the ER if they have a flu, etc. That does put some strain on a system that tries to operate at no loss and lately the proposed solution is to cut front line workers.. pretty stupid. My mom spends every winter down south, I have some friends and family in the US, and we also get exposed to a lot of American media so I do have some knowledge of how your system works.

    The key word you used in your post is unnecessary government intrusion. With the American system their needs to be some government intrusion to ensure that healthcare remains affordable and profit margins are reasonable. I'm all for businesses making a reasonable profit but when staggering profits come before the overall well being of the populace you have a problem. This is where your government has failed you.

    I really didn't mean to take this conversation on a healthcare tangent but I consider it a good example of how some socialist policies can be a good thing when administered properly.
  12. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Tell ya what...walk into your doctor's office with a massive wad of cash and see if there's any procedure deemed medically necessary that won't be performed...

    What's that? "Rationing" is the exchange of goods and services up to the amount of payment rendered for goods and services?

    Well knock me over with a feather.
  13. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    And the depth and breadth of your understanding has been revealed.

    Here's a visual representation:

  14. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    You're right, should have used beneficiary.
  15. Brilliant statement egg fart.
  16. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Thanks for making my point.
  17. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    My wife is a pharmacy tech. She says the worst patients are the ones getting some form of government aide. They dont take the time to understand what they have. They complain about a $1 copay. Then she will point out that the medication is $200 and they have to pay $1 so they should not be complaining. She says they still complain obama said it was free.:rolleyes:
  18. caboose

    caboose I love peanut butter!

    Care to elaborate?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    What? That you think that others' goods and services should be free because you want them to be?

    Does that same attitude extend to your job? You'll still be showing up for work when your paycheck is redistributed for the "good of society", right?
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Not particularly. If you're of the mind the problem is "corporate greed", I'm afraid any attempt at enlightenment would be pearls before swine.

    But if you'd like a reading homework assignment, look into wage controls enacted under Nixon, and follow the bouncing ball...

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