BLM bullys

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by RazzelldazelS, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. RazzelldazelS

    RazzelldazelS Well-Known Member

  2. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    I wouldn't want to be one of those hired cow wranglers. The guy did know that letting his cattle graze on federal land was illegal though. For 20 years.
  3. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member

    Its past time the feds get their ass kicked for screwing with citizens. Really, a grazing fee? What does it cost the government for those cows to be out there eating grass, not a damn thing. Its about as stupid as the effin rainwater tax we have here now. For those who dont know what it is,

    So what exactly is the “rain tax,” and who must pay it?
    This tax is an annual fee on impervious surfaces such as roofs, driveways, sidewalks, garages, and any other surface that could create drainage problems and water contamination situated on property owned by an individual or a business. However, the tax is not applied to every city or county in the state.
  4. Stirz

    Stirz Makes my butt look big

    Bundy's dispute with the government began about 1993 when the bureau changed grazing rules for the 600,000-acre Gold Butte area to protect an endangered desert tortoise, KLAS reported.

    Bundy refused to abide by the changes and stopped paying his grazing fees to the federal bureau, which he contends is infringing on state rights. His family has been ranching since the 1800s, before the U.S. Department of Interior was created and endangered species became a federal issue, he said in an interview with KLAS.

    Not sure whether he's being "bullied" or whether he just doesn't think he should have to abide by grazing permits and pay fees. We have a few of those cats here - "I shouldn't have to pay, so I'm going to start yelling 'tyranny'"... It isn't HIS land, he just gets the beneficial use of it. The reason they instituted grazing permits in the first place (not ESA), was that quite a few ranchers felt no great reason to protect that land, since they didn't own it and overgrazing, loss of habitat, etc. ensued.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  5. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Are the other ranchers nearby who let their cattle out on that land and pay the fee?
  6. ACDNate

    ACDNate Well-Known Member

    Dude's being an asshat. The state rancher org (whatever its called) agree with the feds that he's in the wrong and has no legal basis for his claims.

    More or less he's saying "Eff you I got away with it for 20yrs, you can't get me now"
  7. Slider82

    Slider82 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, there's a lot more going on here than the MSM is letting get out to the public. The Feds say they want to keep the cows off the land because some protected turtles live there too but their idea of protecting the turtles is wholesale killing. I guess it's a variation of the Pelosi battle cry "We have to kill them to see what's in them".

    There's lots more that stinks to high heaven about this from the SWAT teams, snipers and other ridiculous BLM heavy handed tactics, including fencing off little cattle pens they call "Free Speech Areas" but the bottom line is, Harry Reid and his Chinese cronies want the cows off the land so they can make big bucks on solar panels. That boy is crooked as a dog's hind leg.:rolleyes:
  8. Stirz

    Stirz Makes my butt look big

    I'm not a fan of big gummint - but in this case; He had a contract with BLM and HE broke the contract. My guess is that the BLM tried to work with him, and finally said "OK, fine". Why it took them 20 years is just a guess.

    I have had the opportunity to work with both the NRCS and BLM. A lot of the field staff come from farming/ranching background and fully understand the issues and hardships ranchers face. The vast majority of ranchers are good stewards of the land and understand that the Animal Grazing Units (AGU's, or number of cattle/sheep allocated per acre per year) varies with drought and other factors and work with BLM to adapt to the conditions that exist. This guy decided "FU" and now has to pay the consequences. No sympathy.
  9. Stirz

    Stirz Makes my butt look big

    Now THAT is interesting if it proves out to be true...... (and it's bullies)
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  10. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    He never had a contract with the BLM. They confiscated the land out from under him. There is a lot to this that is fishy and certainly more to it than cows. Oh and the government is way out control on this. Reminds me of Waco with saner victims.
  11. Stirz

    Stirz Makes my butt look big

    The whole land grab spin is pretty interesting...

    The first article mentioned that he "stopped" paying grazing fees, which implied to me that he did have a grazing contract and had been paying fees at one time.
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I love how all the anti government whackos are flocking there now to get their 15 minutes. Bunch of fucking idiots. Dude has been skipping out of paying for 20 years, screw him. Doesn't matter if the government is screwed up, that's a given, he still has to pay for putting HIS cows on OUR land. Doesn't matter if you don't like how the land was taken or agree on why. Until you get that shit changed you pay the fee.
  13. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member

    But its for the tortoise.

    Attached Files:

  14. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    STOP making sense!
  15. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    BLM pulls out....Go Bundy! Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So reading more on it - he has never owned the land he's using. It wasn't family land stolen by the government or anyone else. It's federal land and the ONLY difference is they changed the rules on it's use in 93 - so he then stopped paying the fees he paid before that. Dude needs to pay up or keep his cattle on his own land. Doesn't matter who the land belongs to, it's not his and he has no rights to put his cows on it without paying the owner to do so.
  17. Stirz

    Stirz Makes my butt look big

    Maybe - I suspect, but don't know for sure - that this land was settled by Mormons starting late 1850's. His family may have been part of that. The area was still part of the Utah territory until 1864, so if they had 'claim' to the land before that, there may be some precedent. The Taylor Grazing Act didn't come into play until 1934 (as I recall), so no grazing permits required before then. It's a stretch but if he had prior use (like before 1864), then the Fed said "nope, this land is now under our jurisdiction and you have no claim", then maybe, just maybe, it could be said that they "stole" it from his great great great grandfather. Kinda like reparations for slavery.

    But I agree - if he never had actual title to the land, never paid any property taxes, got benefit (ie; was enriched) from use of the public land, then it seems to me he's been on the gravy train for some time.

    At the end of the day, it appears he reneged on his Contract so there it is. Gut feeling is that he just didn't want to abide by the permit and pay the fees so he could make more money for himself.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    He personally wasn't alive in 34 or 1864 so his entire life the family has been paying fees to graze on public land :D

    I'm with you on the bottom line being this is just an excuse to make money and no real political background to it.
  19. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    It's hard enough to make a living raising cattle right now w/o this. (Check meat market prices compared to a year or two ago.) I'd imagine that this will tip him over the financial cliff if he doesn't have access to water on is own land.
  20. Britt

    Britt Well-Known Member

    Federal Land??? Really.>?

    He has said, he has no issue paying the County or the State, But not the Fed, because they reigned on the deal they had..they (fed) were Not doing what they said by keeping up the land, as they said they would.

    For what?? and before you start this bs about it ain't his land, guess what, it ain't theirs either..WahWahWah...Rules, Laws....laws & rules?? Made by Who, and For Who's Profit??

    BLM..what a fkn joke...BIA..what a fkn Joke, just like all the other shit they run..half assed done and wasted $$

    "Of The People, By The People, For The People"...not Of the Government, By The Government, For The the Government seems to act.

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