Windows 8

Discussion in 'General' started by Trev230EX, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    Does the windows 8 desktop mode windows look 2d ish? Compared to 7
  2. 600 dbl are

    600 dbl are Shake Zoola the mic rula

    What's the purpose of using a full screen when a simple icon menu, aka start button will do?

    I'm pretty sure it's up to the end user to define if something is a big deal or not.
  3. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Haven't you ever heard the saying "The vendor is always right?"

  4. frackadelic

    frackadelic Buddha Stalin is Chronic

    We've had driver problems with 8 here at work, and while I've only worked with 8 via remote assist, I don't care for it. Nothing but complaints from our (software) customers as well that got pressured into buying 8. It's like they are on a cycle:
    Xp - great
    vista - suck
    7 - great
    8 - suck.
  5. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    I can't answer any ui questions. I just consume that bit. But for the driver issues what drivers?
  6. lee955i

    lee955i The Traveling Gnome

  7. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I've talked to two different computer builder and repair shops within the last three weeks looking to finally upgrade. Neither would build one with Win 8 on it. Both also said that Win 8 isn't a really bad thing on a phone but for a computer it's the pits. They both install Win 7 only. I'll go that direction since Windows XP will no longer be supported after 2014. (I think that's what one of them said.)
  8. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    2014 sounds about right. think 10 years.
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Sunshine, feeling like Sísyphos lately? :D
  10. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I upgraded to 8 because they offered it for $15 when I bought my laptop in August.
    I should have stuck with 7. It always seems to be on a mission to do something I don't want it to do.
    When I upgraded, my keyboard didn't work right with browsers. Reloaded the drivers and it worked until I rebooted. Checked the help site and the solution (looking for a program conflict) is ridiculous, involving multiple reboots and lots of menus.
    Thankfully, I googled it and someone recommended uninstalling Xfinity Constant Guard.
    That was the problem, and judging by the questions in the "why are you leaving us" pop-up, Comcast is aware that the program interferes with the keyboard in Win 8.
  11. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Nope. More like Artemis. :D
  12. 1coopgt

    1coopgt Well-Known Member

    This is my Win 8 desktop .

    Attached Files:

  13. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    BTW: If you want the Win7 style start button back either forever or until you are comfortable with the Win8 style start button...there are many apps out there that'll do it. They are either free to $5.
  14. trussdude

    trussdude Well-Known Member

    I operate a computer repair shop. I would rather load Windows 8 on a new machine than any other Windows OS. It's much faster!

    I have demo Windows 8 machine in the shop and I make sure they play with it before they buy one.
  15. Trev230EX

    Trev230EX Put me in coach

    It is much faster, I have noticed that. I did install the Classic Shell App to bring back the start menu so that has helped tremendously.
  16. cortezmachine

    cortezmachine Banned

    I figured out how to use windows 8 fuckin around with a dell for about 5 minutes at a best buy

    What's the problem? Sounds like a bunch of get off my lawners to me

    (Touch screen IS what it's made for)
  17. earacing

    earacing Race Dad

    We buy a lot of computers and paid extra to keep Windows XP on them for as long as we could. Windows 7 is ok, I guess, but the changes to Windows Explorer suck. I imagine Windows 8 is even worse, and from what I've heard it is.

  18. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    While it's memory foot print is indeed smaller I wouldn't call it "faster". I wouldn't say the my notebook is any faster than it was on 7. I've found that the full screen start menu is of no real hindrance to me as I spend no time there. However I also find the "APPs" entirely useless on a notebook.
  19. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

  20. trussdude

    trussdude Well-Known Member

    I meant that its much faster to install Windows 8 on a new machine than 7, XP or Vista.

    I can have 8 installed and ready to go in less than an hour whereas Vista takes most of the day.

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