Minimum Wage vs Welfare vs The Wealthy

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by ryoung57, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    People earning minimum wage don't work as hard as you???

    I call bullshit. There no way you work hard. I've seen your post count here.
  2. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    I think that you are wrong again:

    The national minimum wage was created by Congress under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in 1938. Congress enacted this legislation under its Constitutional grant of authority to regulate interstate commerce. FLSA was a comprehensive federal scheme which provided for minimum wages, overtime pay, record keeping requirements, and child labor regulations. The purpose of the minimum wage was to stabilize the post-depression economy and protect the workers in the labor force. The minimum wage was designed to create a minimum standard of living to protect the health and well-being of employees. Others have argued that the primary purpose was to aid the lowest paid of the nation's working population, those who lacked sufficient bargaining power to secure for themselves a minimum subsistence wage.

    What was the legislative intent of the minimum wage law in your state?
  3. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Sort of a flawed analysis as he did not analyze those whose states set a higher minimum wage than the Feds.

    I do agree though that almost nobody sees the minimum wage as a satisfactory end point, especially if you are the person making that wage.
  4. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    Not until my eyes heal from seeing that 375 pounder in lime green spandex the last time I went. It's worst than watching a welders electric arc. :wow:
  5. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    My post count has what to do with the amount of time/ work I put in? Your post count is not exactly anorexic.

    Some do, some don't.
  6. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    The legislative intent has nothing to do with the results of the legislation. A small business owner, or even a franchise owner of a corporation like McDonalds, has a defined profit margin that they must maintain to remain in business. If you increase labor cost, you decrease the number of employees. If you increase prices, you decrease sales.
    Its really just that simple.
    Minimum wage is a feel-good issue. Minimum wage increases reduce the number of jobs available. Minimum wage jobs are not meant as jobs to support a family on. If you have only the skills to work minimum wage jobs, don't have kids. You can't afford them. If you decide to have 4 kids and have no skills to barter with, don't whine that you can't pay the bills.
  7. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    If she did not live in a expensive ass city and have four freaking kids she might have money money left at the end of the month.

    When I was working a full time job and going to school full time. I found a apartment and a room mate. My rent was half of $300 a month. And I took my ass to the free clinic for the free condoms, cause I darn sure knew I did not have money to feed extra kids.

    Shit for what her apartment cost in rent alone in flint you could OWN two houses and a car. (or at least be making payments on them)

    So what does she do when she is not working I bet she is not going to school like I was. There is more that 8 hours in a day you want to make more money go to school, I did.

    Now I live pretty darn comfortable in a nice small town.

    Fuck all this poor me bull shit. My mother died in a car crash when I was 19 and my dad was broke. I did not say poor me. I was to busy working! Shut the fuck up and get to work, and keep it in you pants until you can afford the result.
  8. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    If taxes continue to climb in NJ, as they have been in the last 15 years, I'll be clothes shopping at the SA.

    IMHO, until the Government learns how to spend OUR money wisely, they have no business telling others how to live.
  9. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Oh, I see! I wish I'd thought of that sooner. I'll just tell all of the starving working poor all over the US who've lost their homes, jobs, etc that if they'd only been "above average" things would be alright.
  10. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    Worked for most of the people I know.
  11. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    It's really not that simple.

    Is a $2.00 wage fair? Or good policy? What would our society be like with adults working at $4.00 per hour?

    I like that a minimum wage pushes other wages up too. The more money the working class earns the less the government pays out for cops prisons, welfare, unemployment, etc.

    Will some things cost more? Sure, but without a minimum wage you'd have the poor subsidizing your cheezburgers with $2, $3 or $4 an hour wages.

    And for those who whine about illegal immigration and/or the lazy poor, what do you think would happen without a minimum wage?
  12. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Oh fu$$@# waaa. How many people that lost houses got 125 loans or balloon notes? How many bought WAY to much house? How many were flipping houses? How many people were coasting in jobs rather than improving skills? Sure there is a lot of good people that are hurting now (thank you Obama for the new normal) but luck favors the prepared and murphy finds the unprepared.

    As one of the lucky ones I can tell you it is easy. I just worked two jobs AND went to college (paid my own way while being self supporting). Of course most of my peers where partying and easing along in 'decent' jobs. Then I bought a house that is very modest and paid extra on it. Sure there was bumps along the way but since I was not living at 105% like many I was able to deal with them. So if life sucks, yes the answer is to excel rather than piss and moan. It is not easy but then being a loser sucks.
  13. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    GA's minimum wage is same as federal. Nothing in any legislation states min. wage should provide for a family of 4. If you are contending that was the intent, it is you that is mistaken, or perhaps schools here in the south are not as bad as I thought.
  14. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I see your point of view and I agree to a point. But if we're going to force the poor people to just suck it up and deal with it, why aren't we forcing the wealthy to do so too? Oh, that's right, they're the "job creators" who are too big to fail. So why didn't they make new jobs with the bailout money? Maybe because they used it as a cheap loan to re-organize, fuck the working class over again, and turn record profits within two years.

    If you're going to play hardball, do it across the board.
  15. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    I would disagree that minimum wage pushes up the wages of others.
    The fact is that you earn what your abilities are worth. If you do a job that anyone who walks in off the street can do, then your work has less value.
    Its easy to say that less well paid workers shouldn't subsidize cheap burgers, but make those burgers more expensive and you sell less. Pay restaurant workers what you would consider a wage that can support a family, and taking your family of four out for burgers and fries would probably cost $100 or more. How many people would be going out for hamburgers for dinner then?
    And when they didn't go out for burgers, the restaurants would close. How many jobs would be lost?
    BTW, McDonalds pays far more than $4 an hour, and waitresses in full service restaurants making $4 an hour can make $200 or more a shift if they do a good job, and that's at a family restaurant. If they suck at their job, they make less.
    Back when I was a restaurant manager, our store was open 24 hours a day, 364 days a year. Try taking a guess at what our annual profit was.
  16. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Fuck the poor. :crackup:
  17. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    No one is force to do anything, if you choose to have a better life then you need to get to work and think before you knock up or get knocked up.

    I four pointed and spoke at my graduation from the technical school I went to while working full time. I was only a C average high school student. After high school I buckled down and got to work.
  18. hrc_nick_11

    hrc_nick_11 Well-Known Member

    For the record I'm all for a simplified tax system and the closing of loop holes. I'm not for tax any one class of people more. I think taxes should be less on everyone and the government should try to do less with less.

    I also think government officials should be on the same pay scale and benefits package as members of the armed forces.
  19. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    Hit the road, the sooner you start telling them the better.

    A very large part of where you end up in life is due to your own choices. Most people refuse to accept responsibility for their actions and we have a goverment who currently is al about blaming others for our current state of affairs as well.

    Yes, sometimes we have shitty cards dealt to us but we ALWAYS have a choice of how we play that hand. There is work in this country if you are willing to go to where the jobs are. ND, SD and WY have worker shortages in many sectors and a lot of those jobs don't require a bunch of education but rather a willingness to work hard and learn the craft...oh, and many pay very, very well.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
  20. Aberk

    Aberk Well-Known Member

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