Apple Legal Issues, sent an extra ipad, and we were told to keep it

Discussion in 'General' started by strgt, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla


    Personally I would've shipped the damn thing back regardless. Wasn't mine, I didn't pay for it, and don't need the gift.
  2. YamRZ350

    YamRZ350 Nicorette Dependent

    The confetti means nothing! Nothing free is for real until you're handed a huge oversize cardboard check.
  3. Jeff McKinney

    Jeff McKinney Well-Known Member

    I bet none of the higher ground crowd on here would take the $$$ out of their own pocket to return it.No call tag,no return.
  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Oxygen must be a rare commodity at the altitude they are sitting on those high horses. :D

    Or maybe they've never been screwed by an incompetent sales/service rep. I've had to escalate things to corporate headquarters or a CEO (although I'm assuming the letter didn't quite make it that high) once or twice. Every instance was resolved in my favor, with an apology from the company after they conducted an inquiry. Big waste of time for everyone involved every time, just because some low-level idiot couldn't do his job.
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You're really trying to use them telling his wife and not him as a basis for your argument? Seriously that's all you've got?
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    They called customer service. Is there some sort of rule about how many times they should call before accepting it's theirs? 2? 3?
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Until the confetti drop.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    So you're trying to come up with things they should have done that no matter what would ultimately result in them not keeping - even after being told by the company to do so. Got it.
  9. YamRZ350

    YamRZ350 Nicorette Dependent

    But in this case you'll believe some low-level idiot when he tells you to keep it? And to make it worse you make a $70 decision based on this low-level idiots word?
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You're the one moving the line. They called Apple. Apples rep said keep it. There's your line right there. Nice and clear. Apple since changed their mind - I'm guessing they realized they had a bunch of mistakes like this so now they're freaked and set other CSR's to try and get back as many of their mistakes as they can. Even if the receiving customers are legally allowed to keep the mistakes. So Apple moved the line.
  11. oldmonk

    oldmonk Just trying something!

    No. I'm pretty sure he's implied they are lying about what he posted! :rolleyes:
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Since the low level idiot punches the issue into a computer and repeats what their policy is, yeah, they can be believed.
  13. YamRZ350

    YamRZ350 Nicorette Dependent

    That's how it works, huh?

  14. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Basically yes. Same for tech support and the like. They're just call centers repeating what the company policy is.
  15. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    I just dont like when people rationalize things. Hey all year long last year I "rationalized" chasing regional championships to earn a discount card for 2012. Guess I shouldnt of rationalized that. :D

    Ride safe,
  16. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    In this case, I don't have the information to make the determination that the low-level idiot doesn't know his job. Not until someone else calls later and tells me I owe them money for the second iPad. While talking to the first sales rep, I don't have a computer readout of Apple's policies in front of me.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You're doing the rationalization though, you're going past a perfectly normal answer given by the company and then determining he should have done more.
  18. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    I dont have to rationalize anything as I don't have anything in this except for my opinion. I know that if I kept something I didn't pay for I wouldn't feel right about it no matter how I tried to rationalize it. Like I said it is my opinion others will certainly disagree.

    Ride safe,
  19. Can you tell me what you think my "argument" is? Thanks.

    I choose my words very carefully. Apparently you do not know what the word "hearsay" means :rolleyes:
  20. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    Does anyone here honestly think it is "normal" for a company to say "no worries, keep it, it's on us" for a $500-$800 item.

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