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Sponsor-Seeking Racers, listen-up!

Discussion in 'General' started by Toy Store, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Toy Store

    Toy Store Well-Known Member

    I need to rant a little, and hopefully help some people in the process. I have always wanted to help people stay in how sport, but have struggled with how to do it. As a business in the sportbike world, I get sponsorship requests all the time. They usually start with something like, " hey, I'm a racer and am willing to put your sticker on my bike if you give me a set of bodywork."

    Lets look inside the business owner's mind for a moment. You are asking me to take 7-800 dollars that I could spend on my own racing effort, or do something with my wife. Why would I do that? Is it a good deal? If I do it, will it give me any type of return? When you approach a business owner about sponsorship or freebies, keep in mind that the only thing we are thinking about is if you will generate a return.

    How do you generate a return, you ask? Simple really... The sticker on your bike is nice, but unless you are Ben Spies it doesn't return anything! The best way to offer value to a sponsor is to simply talk about and refer people to them. It's really that simple. By sticking a sticker on your bike and thinking that your part is done, you have certainly ended next year's possibility of sponsorship.

    Why the rant, you ask? I recently gave a customer an Alpinestars Race Replica suit (1800.00), after giving him several at cost. In return i got my logo on the suit and a sticker on the bike. It was pretty cool to see my logo on the AMA Supersport box a couple times, so it wasn't a total loss. But after a month of giving the suit, he calls again for another one.

    When I told him I couldn't afford to give him another one at the moment, he gave me some BS about being front and center of the "world Stage." AMA Supersport, really?! My TV commercials play for MotoGP and World Superbike; that's the world stage. Well, after telling him that I couldn't justify giving him another suit, he said I wasn't giving him a suit, I was "marketing." After reiterating that I could not do it, he hung-up on me.

    I'm really frustrated with the lack of gratitude here, and I must say that the "I'm entitled because I have a race number" is getting a little annoying.

    Sorry for the rant, and I hope I didn't offend anybody. Please keep in mind that businesses require a return on their investment. If you approach potential sponsors with that in mind you will surely have increased your chances of getting sponsored.
  2. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    We can't comment until you tell us who the rider is.

  3. Toy Store

    Toy Store Well-Known Member

    LOL, nope... not gonna do it. :) Just look at AMA Supersport, and you might just find it. Hey, it's a scavenger hunt!
  4. My guess would be Huntley Nash based on his website? Do I win a prize?
  5. Toy Store

    Toy Store Well-Known Member

    ... it could be...
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Can I have a free suit? :D

    Nah, make it two. :crackup:
  7. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    whats the deal with wanting a new set?? whats wrong with the others you sold him and the set you gave this rider?
  8. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Duh, he's reselling them to his friends.
  9. Toy Store

    Toy Store Well-Known Member

    Yeah! Free suits for everybody! But you should know that we are not going to give you just any suit. We are going to fly you to Italy for a custom fitted Alpinestars suit. It will have your name sewn on it and will fit perfectly. Now that's not all. Since you are likely to sweat in your suit (gross), we will send you a new one before every race so you feel all "fresh and clean." For all this, all we ask is that you put our sticker in some obscure location on your car (we wouldn't want to taint your bike), and never talk about or to us again.
  10. Toy Store

    Toy Store Well-Known Member

    He crashed and wanted a fresh set instead of repairing them.
  11. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    You don't have to fly me to Itally. I don't like the airport.
  12. Jordan

    Jordan Well-Known Member

    i wear a size 44. Thanks :D pm me for my address. hahahahhaha
  13. tlr74

    tlr74 4seven4

    if i dont ever talk to you again, how will you know when to send my new suit...we'll have to get this part worked out!
  14. KovzR6

    KovzR6 Well-Known Member

    if this person was a top level rider in superbike... i could see it... but im sorry, supersport is a feeder class...

    he should be getting them repaired.
  15. Toy Store

    Toy Store Well-Known Member

    LOL! Maybe I can just post my company credit card numbers on the board and trust you will only use it for suits...
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Joking aside, what have you gotten in return for your investment? Has this unnamed rider driven traffic to your company? Has this unnamed rider mentioned you on the podium, in the press, on his website and increased your sales? Let's put it this way, have you gotten a return on your investment?

    X number of $2500 suits at cost plus one free is a substanial investment on your part. How much has this investment given you in the sales department? Cut to the chase, how dough you make via your sponsorship?

    Sponsorship ain't free.
  17. Toy Store

    Toy Store Well-Known Member

    For real! At a minimum, I shouldn't get hung-up on for not buying him another suit. What, are we three?
  18. wingnutks

    wingnutks Well-Known Member


    Not for nothing but I would think sponsoring track day instructors would provide better return. As long as said instructors truely believed in your product. They are constently giving new riders advice, and these new riders are usually in need of new stuff. I am new to this, but just something I have thought.
  19. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    I once watched a supersport race and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
  20. Toy Store

    Toy Store Well-Known Member

    This is really the point of my post. The rider seems to be really nice, and it was his father/manager that worked the deal. As far as return, I got a couple months of bragging rights. Nobody has mentioned him to me or that he has referred us. That doesn't mean he hasn't, but I haven't recognized any jump in sales.

    What pisses me off is that I have an email sitting in my inbox from Melissa Paris. I could have allocated funds to her, but opted for the "up and commer." very frustrating!

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